Mar 21, 2003 00:57
So this is war...
I'm slighlty apprehensive about what I'm saying because I don't want to offend. But on the other hand I always hate myself for that fear I have of offending, that always leads to mundanity.
War is bad, yes. But war brings change, no?
I know nothing about this war, and don't pretend to. I know I don't like it, for obvious reasons, death, destruction, etc etc. I also know that it's going to be brief and that we will all have forgotten about it in a few years time. But somewhere deep down inside of me I hope for armageddon. I want the bomb to drop. It's not that I want people to die, not at all. More that I want people to remember they are alive.
The 00's are shaping up to be a horrible time to be around. People are pretentious, conceited, self obsessed and worst of all politically correct. It seems that once again people have forgotten how to think for themselves. I want change. I want huge cultural change. I want the world not to give a fuck anymore, because otherwise I cant foresee anything interesting happening in my lifetime.
So I guess in a backwards and rather fucked up way, that would make me pro-war huh?
Yours in anticipation of comic book style armageddon.