Mar 23, 2005 05:22
okay so on monday this 16 year old kid in minnesota wakes up and decides that he doesnt feel like blasting america on the internet anymore and instead murders his grandfather by shooting him a few times, right!?, then he steals the old dead mans squad car and bulletproof vest and strolls into school and starts shooting people at will starting with the unlucky bastard of a security guard that tried stopping him at the door.
hey remember columbine? and how the world basically stopped revolving for what seemed like months while the media covered it constantly? and yet there's next to no play on the news about it.
no instead you have stuff like terry fucking schiavo all over the news. sorry to be blunt but jesus, morals or not this woman is in a state where she cannot do a damn thing. what kind of life is that? she has to be fed through a tube for crying out loud.
would you want to live life as a vegetable? i wouldn't. her husband wouldn't. and her uptight family and their lawyer certainly wouldn't want to go on living like that. would any of those congressmen or senators that are deciding her fate without KNOWING her or ever even MEETING her or stepping foot into the care center that she's been wasting away in slowly for the past 2 years or any shit like that.. would they wanna live life like that either? hell no they wouldnt.
so why is it in their hands? sorry but fuck those stubborn people. it's up to the husband. "in sickness and in health" is something im sure he said at some point during their wedding and my opinion is that she's deadly sick, so why not let him care for her in whatever way he sees fit. it may seem crude but i wouldnt want the woman i devoted my life to living that way would you? would anybody!?
no. how this schiavo thing is gaining more national exposure than the second deadliest school shooting in motherfucking HISTORY i'll never know. instead you turn on the tv and hear shit about her or ncaa brackets or how iraqi rebels are fucking our shit up this week..
meanwhile there's civil war all over the world in places most people don't even know exist. political parties are poisoning each other in ukraine. north korea is probably years (if we're lucky) away from blowing the shit out of some poor country.. nuclearly might i add..
i mean so many countries are able to use nuclear weapons now it's scary. for real.. it used to be okay when the US was the only country able to blow the shit out of the world and jesus knows we've got the balls to do it, but now there's countries like india and pakistan and north korea who have crazy middle eastern balls. who the fuck knows what countries like that are capable of you know?
and thats just the tip of the iceberg too. this world is so fucked up and its gonna get alot worse before it gets any better. and no one knows about it you know? if it doesnt affect our lives directly and immediately then no one hears anything about it.
its all fucking terrible. i mean there are REAL headlines. they do exist. but you've gotta go look for them.. and if you're looking on cbs or nbc or abc or msnbc or cnbc or acdc or the oc you're not gonna find them.
smashing the stupid media makes me thirsty