Jun 09, 2004 09:10

hey everyone!

yay!tomorrow is the last day of skool!!!!!well for us charter oak ppl!::sigh::its soo boring yet not.......i dunno......::sigh::god when i came to skool this morning there was this dead sexy guy walking in front of me.ive never seen him before but jebus he was dead sexy.but tommy is still number 1 on my list.

the list:
2sean kelly
4that new guy
5?(i cant say but you have to find out yourself)

yes thats my lis thing of guys but one minor set back....tommy might be moving but thats just a rumor ive heard.....::sigh:: ::slam head on desk::.......so bord god...and im also freakin out i have a final next period....im dead! ok well see you freaks later!!!

love and god bless ashley nodal
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