(no subject)

Mar 27, 2004 15:28

ello everyone!
well today was great!i went to this thing for shannon's karate thing and eariler darren and i talked for a while and we really wanted to see each other so we "ran into" each other at this thingy.through out the whole thing i couldnt stop looking @ him cause he would be moving on other sides of the room so @ times it would be hard to see where he was.but finally during this boring part my ass started to hurt so i told my mom i was gonna walk around for awhile.so i walked out into the hall and met darren near the door so i just layed on his sholder for a couple minutes(which felt like forever :-D)and i was a lil paranoid that my mom would come looking for me,so i was like i guess i should go bak before my mom freaks so i gave him a hug and kissed his neck ;-)!then he whisperd in my ear "i love you".so i walk back into the room and sit bak down and couple minutes went by and it was over. so i sat there for a sec while my sis got her "cookies and juice"and my mom went to go talk to ppl, i saw darren standing there so i got up and talked to him for a bit then said my farewell (i didnt want to leave!)so we stood out side for a while just doing nothing.so we started to leave for the car and outta the corner of my eye i see darren "hiding like a nija"lol,and i want to run over to him and just hold him, but mom just needs to go "come on were goin to lunch hurry up".so i was like NOOOOOO!so the rest of the was just boring.the food was crappy!darren if i never met you life would be sad,meaningless,and just blah!i love you so much i wish we could see each other everyday @ skool!
GOD bless ashley nodal
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