This is my first actual entry in my new freshly made LJ. I've missed it greatly. I got my account in 1999 and used it religiously. I met people, dated people, was in student films, tried new drugs with people, got hurt, made close friends, went on midnight dumpster diving adventures. It was all there at my finger tips. Then MySpace happened. People want to say Facebook, but I know who the real culprit is. Fucking Tom just HAD to make something more tempting for us cyber hungry weirdos. But now we are stuck on fb and Instagram, where we can't even upload, something with a good filter correctly let alone actually code and do fancy html like LJ taught us.
So I'm here to scream. In the void. Be a good little therapy person and write out my feelings and document my life in a safer space than other social medias.
Be ready for depressing, weird posts. That's what ya get with adhd and chronic illnesses and pain. Can't say I didn't warn ya! 😉