Aug 27, 2005 05:58
christine stopped up at artworx today (thats right, i see this sexy bitch all the time....suck that!) we chilled there at the shop for a while til everyone rolled out around midnight. then we drove around for a little while listening to jack johnson then we sang along to black eyed peas, outkast and ying yang twins...we fucking rock!
after that, got mcdonalds, woofed that down....then we blazed. and giggled...and giggled some more. She fucking called me on my cell phone because she couldnt find me in my own house! (my house isnt that damn big) she was on the computer and i was in the bathroom which is a grand total of TWENTY FEET AWAY!
fucking stoner. Moral of the story is: Don't Do Drugs.
then christine got the bright idea at THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING "hey let's go up to rite aid and get hair dye" so i drag my bum ass out to the car in my pajamas to go to rite aid with her. we picked out some red dye for her (blonde streaks making a come back soon) came back to my house, watched fresh prince of bel-air, and dyed her hair. then around FOUR IN THE FUCKING MORNING we got around to rinsing the shit out and made a murder scene in my bathtub. Now she's a sexy red head ;)
Then around FIVE in the morning, we took pictures and did goofy shit. then the batteries died in my camera :(
so now it's close to SIX, and christine got another BRIGHT IDEA and figured we should tell you about the exciting day we've had...
now she wants to go to breakfast...and waffles sound really fucking good right now.
mmmm waffles :D