Time We Saw a Miracle - Notes (Part 1)

Oct 30, 2011 21:27

Camp Chitaqua

- perimeter gate
- markings on gate posts and wire
- surrounded by forest with dirt road leading to camp
- [demons] take it as a challenge, or have someone particular in mind
- they come for Dean, they come for Chuck, they used to come for Icarus when he was Castiel - the Trinity of Failure
- wood etchings, haphazard graffiti, new-age wreaths
- short trilling whistle = infected
- car lights used on signal of sharp whistle when they're at 200 yards in the middle of the field
- two notes and urgent whistle = demon
- supplies: instant coffee, tea, orange juice concentrate, powdered milk, sugar; flat yet lumpy pillows in the rooms; alarm bell; painkillers (very low)
- stretch of yellowing grass disappearing round a cabin at the back fence
- "if you get pissed at anyone on the inside, fists are good enough"
- lime-green bucket in camp's bathroom
- practice of "no child left unarmed" (they also supply the ammunition)
- rosters: at least two night shifts (guard doubled after the break-in); laundry roster
- generator that heated the shwoers was on the fritz
- half the camp knows Icarus is an angel
- Infected humans hover over the line of what the wardsthey do and do not repel
- people convene in the cafeteria or hang out in groups at someone’s cabin
- Saunders, Brandon, and Harper support football - Jayhawks, Cardinals and Bears, respectively
- During the invasion, people are surprisingly quiet, using hand signals, and well-practiced in their roles. Posts include along the perimeter, on top of the fence and cars (most with broken headlights). Thomas supplies tools as blunt weapons.
- moon is just a tiny sliver of moon, up around midnight
- Impala is next to a busted [white] Ford Falcon, now covered in demon-bits
- Aftermath of invasion: Fence somewhat back up, bodies in piles to be burried (people) or taken out of camp in a pickup (infected), fires in the camp put out; everyone on edge; inventory and restocking
- bandages sanitized by boiling in water
- north-east to the city of Manhattan, north-west along Randolph Lake, turning south to come back along Milford Lake, with infected at Clay Center
- magpies have been hanging out around the field a lot
- deer used to be around and shot for food, cared off by infected

- But this car looked like it had been beaten up: its sides were caved in, as was the trunk, from a couple of hefty whacks with a tire-iron or crowbar, and the black paint was scratched and flaking.
- You don’t touch it, you don’t fix it, you don’t use it for parts. Let it rot.

- over the heart
- size of a quarter (Dean's the size of a baseball)

Inner Circle:
- Risa, Todd, Dean, Chuck

- carver, whittles ward-designes everywhere

- long bangs
- burn-scarred left hand
- rifle
- night shift with Julian
- (antipossession) charm around her neck
- husband Michael possessed and overturned fire-filled oil drum before Camp Chitaqua rescued her and a group
- in the cafeteria, hurt

- Tells funny stories of horrible mishaps (the towel, plunger, firealarm, and sprinkler)
- coffee with one spoonful of powdered milk
- has a revolver and half a box of bullets

- Saunders' son
- anti-guns - Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, Dad; There’s nothing romantic about a rifle, Dad. It shoots holes into people
- He didn’t think about things like tradition or heirlooms or heritage.
- life status unknown, presumed dead

- sorely-chewed pencil, clipboard, and notebook
- Keeps tabs on remaining gas, bullets, and cars.

- stomach flu
- usually does the morning clean-up run out of camp (Search & Destroy)


- young teen with close-cropped hair
- got a fire under her ass
- two weeks at camp

- says Yipper

- gave Chip and co the tour of the camp
- long ponytail
- she steadied herself and hooked her toes into the chain-link, then brought out a gun she had tucked in at the small of her back and aimed it across the field

- casual salute to Icarus
- cares about Adelle

- coffee with two spoonfuls sugar
- does field cleanup
- is sexually invovled with someone
- pale skin, freckles on arms and neck, red hair
- wounds: rather large wound on lower chest from "being an idiot" and running into the fence; deep burn on right arm - Both healing well.

- I never officially swore the oath - never got a chance to graduate
- two waiting chairs, bed in the centre, desk, books and cardboard boxes labled on bookshelves and stacked on the ground; bedroom; marmalade jar filled with ink; a clean sheet on the patient’s bed she kept in the main room. She had a row of tools set out on her desk next to a dwindling box of latex gloves and a roll of gauze; Martha busied herself putting the candles she had scattered around the room onto the desk chair. [...] Martha placed the chair beside the bed; the coil of the blood pressure cup
- Chuck knows how to help with the tattoos
- She pulled out a plastic vitamin bottle, its label half-covered by a taped strip of paper and an illegible note.

- can recite Icarus' ward chant verbatim

- “The one with the built-in night vision, right? What’d you have to do to get that sweet upgrade? [...] Alright, wordsmith, what did I insinuate? That we missed out on some excellent tactical advantage on an angel’s whim?”
- Casual and wordless with Dean: With her foot, she kicked the empty chair beside her out from under the table. Dean took the unspoken apology.
- Keeps tabs on the state of the surrounding area and nearby cities, entry points, potential bottleneck areas, location of warehouses and factories, the latest movements of the infected hordes

- the terrifying mountain of muscle who had been on night patrol the night Chip first drove up to the gate; very tall; the type to hit the free weights section of the gym and work it; rolling biceps; overwhelming in person; white wife-beater, black chaps over faded jeans, covered in engine crease; wide grin; hint of a drawl
- Chip felt Thomas’ welcoming manner win out over his imposing appearance; a real charmer easy-going jokes mixed in with practiced efficiency; one of the most gregarious people Chip had ever met, rambling off one story after another with contagious exuberance
- our feathered friend - Icarus
- friendly banter with Brandon
- A pig in shoes! What was the other one? A clam in what? Say it again, come on!

- pot-bellied bearded man
- A man needs four bullets, you give him four bullets. [Icarus] needs anything? You run and get it.
- part of the inner circle
- heads the Floyd and Dom team and whines about their bickering and whining
- keeps a headcount of the people who can fight

- never leave a brother behind didn't seem to be a motto up in heaven
- The angels of [Kezef's] garrison were beyond the gates in Heaven, and he knew nothing of his brothers-in-arms for some time now. Even Af, his near-twin, was absent from his sight; When they left, Kezef’s garrison remained, as did Michael’s. Their numbers thinned and spread out across the land until only the archangels remained; Eventually, even they became scarce, meeting unknown ends or rushing back to Heaven; Ever since the exodus, the only other angels he could find were the Morning Star and the Angel of Thursday. A pitiful lot for company in this plane, but their light had been enough for Kezef.; There were other sparks of Heaven cast out upon the Earth, but they too were fading. His brother’s companions, for example.
- re: Lucifer - his brother’s light was cold now, had been ever since his fall
- His own creations were well on their way to outnumbering the humans, and every day Lucifer’s creatures took on more bodies for themselves.
- “The show runners have basically gone down to this Kezef guy and Lucifer. There used to be archangels in the mix - Michael, for one - but they turned tail with the rest of the angels. We don’t really know whether Kezef and Lucifer are dancing the tango together or stepping on each other’s toes, but both of them want pretty much the same thing when it comes to us humans.” [...] “They’re definitely Team Apocalypse,”
- Last night’s storm must have blown out at last, or at the very least moved off towards the lake.

- the wards must have weakened. The other explanation does not bear thinking; Those black-eyed sons of bitches have been getting too close these past few nights. They’ve been touching the fence, Cas.
- a thin one-sided lift of the lips that promised nothing good; We thought you’d gone without leaving so much as a forwarding address; that dishonorable little badge, "fate as a human signed and sealed"; my little dove; smile she flashed him - thin, one-sided and full of promise - was exactly the same as before- while Kezef and the Morning Star mixed well, their respective servants didn't (flavourwise, possessed humans: their blood turned to ash in Kezef's mouth); Want to see me flay the whore-stamp off an ex-angel?
- Halite, Icarus explained. Rock salt.
- The overpowering smell of blood and gunpowder - a mixture of sulphur, copper and ash - made his eyes water.

genre: original

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