today, it's all about me baby!

Sep 09, 2004 01:42

well, today being the last wendsday that i'm in denver, before i move up to seattle, i had many interesting experiences. Let's start with the beguining, humm... i got up, laied in bed listening to my mom talk about all the things going on in MY life, not hers (sister having a mini-stroke, her breaking down because i'm leaving, girlfriend having meningidious... you know, all the usual stuff). So that was depressing in it's many forms. Then i got up and played some gauntlet on the PS2, go me! After that exciting segment, went to my last day of work where i looked over my shoulder all day because i was sure somebody was going to cream me in the head with an avacado (something i have done to many co-workers). Luckely, that didn't happen... but what did was much worse: They made me a cake, but not just any cake, the most horrable tasting lime and rasberry cake EVER! They cut me a big slice, and I had to pretend like i liked it so as not to hurt their feelings. They also wouldn't let me out of their sight, so i had to eat the whole thing. After work, i went to a huge 'going away party' being thrown for me at my church. It was pretty fun... just eating a lot. I was supprised at how many people cried... who would have though i was such an awesome guy?... Um, then i went home and packed some more of my stuff up, talked to Emily "the dieing girlfriend" (i only say this because i know she's not going to die, otherwise i would feel REALLY bad about it) and right now i'm updating my live journal for the second time ever. The end... oh and here's a survey i filled out:


1) Using names of bands, spell out your name

haha, yea right... i don't know any band names
2) Have you ever had a song written about you? Don't think so
3) What songs makes you cry? i don't believe a song has ever made me cry

4) What song makes you happy? a lot of them, but i wouldn't know the names

|| Part II ||

a b o u t . y o u
[ full name ] Nicholas Robert Siclari
[ birthdate ] April 19, 1987
[ location ] Denver
[ sexual preference ] Girls please
[ height ] 5... something
[weight] not sure, i think i'm somewhere between 130 and 160
[ hair color ] very reddish
[ hair type ] Curly
[ skin color ] Irish
[ eye color ] reddish browinsh greenish
[ piercings ] only my nipples and eyelids
[ tattoos ] 15, most of which are on my left butt cheak

m u s i c
[ do you play any instruments? ] Yes
[ if so, what one(s)? ] Guitar and imaginary drums
[ favorite genres of music ] modern rock, classic rock, and classical... oh and all the other forms of rock
[ favorite bands ] i sure don't know
[ do you go to concerts and/or shows? ] not really
[ what is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show? nothing
[ what is the least you've ever spent? ] um... free
[ do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny? ] yea, but if i ever did it it would be because it was corny
[ do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to? ] well, i used to listen to wierd al yankavich... sniff* DON'T LOOK AT ME!!

r i g h t . n o w
[ pants youre wearing? ] kacky slacks, grrr
[ shirt youre wearing? ] white t-shirt... what else
[ underwear? ] nope
[ music listening to? ] none
[ taste in your mouth? ] luckaly not that horrable cake from work
[ how are you? ] not bad, but not that great eaither... but thanks for asking, it really means a lot ot me
[ tired? ] not really
[ happy? ] sure
[ depressed? ] me? ne-vah!

d o . y o u.
[ get motion sickness ] only if i'm reading something
[ have a bad habit/trait? ] definatly, but i don't seem them as a bad habbits... more of, charaisticly charming quarks
[ get along with the parents? ] um... yea, sure
[ like to drive? ] i LOVE to drive, espeshally little cars that can take corners really fast
[ want to get married ] eventually
[ have kids ] no
[ sing in the shower ] everywhere else... but supprisingly not in the shower
[ dance ] you know it!

w h i c h . i s . w o r s e
[ physical pain/emotional pain? ] Emotional
[ being deaf/being blind? ] being deaf
[ being bored/rushing around because you have too much to do? ] rushing around... that sucks, plus i'm never bored... i always entertain myself by singing and dancing
[ losing your dominant leg/losing your dominant arm? ] dominant arm... don't think i would ever miss my "dominant leg"

f a v o r i t e s
[ tv show ] family guy
[ movie ] to many to name one
[ book ] what's a book?
[ magazine ] don't have one
[ non-alcoholic beverage ] orange juice BE-YACH!
[ thing to do on weekends ] not have anything to do
[ band or artist} who knows...
[ song ] ditto
[ colors ] white
[ smell ] rain... or that fresh out of the dryer smell! o baby!
[ icecream ] recicces anything

h a v e . y o u
[ broke the law ] couple of times
[ ran away from home ] Nope
[ snuck out of the house ) never needed to
[ gone skinny dipping ] i can't seem to remember...
[ made a prank phone call ] to many times...
[ ever tipped over a porta-potty ] you know... i just might have, i think i just really hated the guy inside... psh! give me a speeding ticket... i sure showed him
[ used parents credit card ] yea, but not steal-wise
[ skipped school ] haha, o yea
[ fell asleep in shower/bath ] that might cause drowning...
[ been in a school play ] i have
[ let a friend cry on your shoulder ] that's what my shoulder's there for
[ kissed a boy ] um... no comment
[ how many? ] 0
[ kissed a girl ] uh huh
[ how many? ] undisclosed statement
[ slept with someone ] yes
[ had sexual intercourse ] no... and sleeping with somebody does not involve anything  penitraiting anything else, in case that was confusing at all

l o v e
[ boyfriend ] what...
[ girlfriend ] i don't understand if these are questions: Love, girlfriend
[ sexuality ] straight
[ are you a virgin ] yes, except for those times in cuba when i got really wasted... but those don't count
[ children ] this is like the first two questions...
[ current crush ] it's not a crush
[ been in love? ] i have, and am
[ do you believe theres a difference between "love" and "in love"? ] yes... you can love you sister or you friend... but you can only be "in-love" in a romantic way with somebody
[ is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? ] hard to say
[ are you romantic? ] i try to be
[ had a hard time getting over someone ] only once... and that was only for about a day, then we got back together
[ been hurt? ] not really
[ cheated ] no way... except for cuba, damn! taht's just keeps coming back to incriminate me
[ your greatest regret? ] couldn't tell you, and even if i could remember, i'm sure i wouldn't want to
[ turn offs ] bitchieness, skankieness and chest hair
[ favorite place to be touched ] hair (seriously) and my shoulders
[ what song describes you now? ] how many times do we have to go over this... i don;t know song names or band names

r a n d o m
[ do you have a job ] not anymore, today was my last day
[ your cd player has in it right now ] air
[ if you were a crayon what color would you be ] probably red
[ what makes you happy ] life
[ who makes you happiest ] Emily
[ who do you consider close friends ] to many to name... but you all know who you are
[ what do you like to do ] lay in bed after i wake up, make fun of stuff
[ do you use internet shorthand (i.e. 'lol', 'brb', 'jk')? ] sometimes
[ how often do you bathe? ] i don't bathe... i cake on more dirt so i don't smell bad
[ are you a people-pleaser ] i'd like to think so

w h e n / w h a t . w a s . t h e . l a s t
[ time you cried ] supprisingly, not to long ago
[ time you recieved a letter ] like not junk mail... i don't know
[ you received e-mail ] earlyer today
[ thing you purchased ] a class at BCC
[ tv program you watched ] simpsons i think
[ movie you have seen ] traffic

y o u r . t h o u g h t s . o n
[ abortion ] no thoughs
[ gay relationships ] no thoughts
[ pre-marital sex ] Use protection, have fun. (i like liz's comment)
[ teenage smoking ] cigeretts are bad! have fun with whatever else
[ war ] not all that great... but it hasn't effected me yet, so i couldn't say really

oh, and i'm hoping to create some kind of "enjoy the simple things in life" list on my lj, that i can just add to everyday. So if somebody could tell me how to do that, that would be great.
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