Dec 12, 2005 16:34
The Chronicles of Narnia was SOOOO good.
I saw it with Brittney, Steven (of course), Jon, Charlie, Kolby, Caitlin & Swole.
It was good, i enjoyed it a lot even though Caitlin almost fell asleep through it.
The oldest brother is pretty good looking i must say.
I am definetely in love with life right now.
I'm hanging out with a new group of friends. It's amazing.
Thank you to everybody who's letting me make MY own decisions.
And if it may be a mistake, i will learn from it.
The dublin show is this friday. i am definetely excited.
I need to find a ride. Hmm..I dislike that lindsay girl. alotalotalot.
She definetely stole the jacket/keys.
So now Charlie can't drive his car or even start it.
I'll just ride with whoever steven's riding with. I have to go to that showw.
Hmm... I wish my updates were alot more interesting.