Mar 09, 2006 04:05
So. I have a home now. I have a car now. I have my license now. I think I'm slowly getting my life back together. It feels good, very good indeed.
I hung out with some new people tonite, I think it did me well. While hanging out with them I realized that I've been characterizing/stereotyping people due to their habits, and I should stop. I've made it clear to myself to try to limit my socializing with people who do drugs, not because I'm snobby or above it, but because I was there once too, and I know what can happen when you hang around them, the trouble you can get in physically or emotionally. But, I think I might stop. It's not right to not hang out with someone because of a habit they have. I'm sure that I do horrible things too, that may make people not want to talk to me.
Who am I to judge it?
Everybody has good in them. How will you ever see it if you never give them a chance?
I'm going to start talking to everyone. Right now.