My K-Pop Prompts and Min's Peen o.o

Feb 14, 2010 00:21

Okay, first of all, to start this off, I have personally discovered (some week ago) a music video where you can clearly see Sungmin's... mini Sungmin XD


Anyway, based on the outfits of all their past MV's, I'm pretty sure you can guess straight-off-the-bat exactly which MV I'm talking about...

... or maybe not.

image Click to view

If my URL-editing skills didn't work on my part, it's around 1:58. Just a LITTLE hint of peen in his extremely thin pants XD

I have no life, and I feel like a peen-stalker. I have no idea why I was even looking there in the first place.

Anywho, here is the list of Sungmin prompts:

001. Truth
002. Accept
003. Chain
004. Save
005. Ring
006. Cat
007. Name
008. Rain
009. Laundry
010. Umbrella
011. Glasses
012. Delete
013. Phone
014. Replace
015. Quit
016. Hate
017. December
018. Confess
019. Room
020. Denial
021. Stare
022. Lost
023. Smile
024. Need
025. Yes
026. Bend
027. Like
028. Mistake
029. Boundaries
030. Push
031. Patience
032. Impulse
033. Miles
034. Link
035. Remain
036. Decide
037. Secret
038. Force
039. Stay
040. Laugh
041. Nine
042. Attention
043. Instinct
044. Same
045. Mask
046. Break
047. Share
048. Danger
049. Escape
050. Lie

update, sungmin challenge

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