Jan 22, 2006 22:32
We gather here today to mourne the loss of two of the best things in my life. These things you couldn't touch, you experienced, they were...relationships. Last year my love life was doing worse than anyone else i knew...truthfully it was kicking the shit out of me. But i guess i never lost faith because i always had two relationships that seemed to be so strong and so fuckin...cool...that i knew there was hope. The first one was my sister and her boyfriend. For the last two years they were the strongest couple i know...i mean they spent every waking moment together...i never saw them fight and to see Ben's red Mustang in the driveway no matter waht time of the day was it was...was normal. At every family function him and my sister would be there together cuddling or holding hands looking perpetually happy like the only thing they needed in their lives was eachother. More than two years that lasted never once faltering until graduation. After graduation my sister went down to her awesome fuckin school to be the best she could be blah blah blah and her boyfriend did school up here. I'm not gonna lie the day they parted i almost cried...i wanted to fuckin die. I had faith though...all those miles couldn't keep the two people who i thought loved eachother and would surely be together forever apart. Well now one semester after they both went to college...it's all gone to hell...when i say hell i mean hell. I'm gonna miss it i swear to god i will...they gave me fuckin faith. The next was...well mostly everyone who reads this piece knows em...so i dont think its neccessary to even mention their names. Well anyways...like i was sayin my love life sucked...but theirs was...fuckin great. Everytime i got sad cuz my girlfriend didn't feel it neccessary to see me or call me...or go out with me...i had them. Ive spent more friday nights playing the third wheel with them than i can count. Sure i tried my hardest to be miserable...sure i was jealous...but i liked bein there. Katie's home was...kinda home. I coulda always talk to her mom about my problems like she was my bestfriend...and she always made me feel better cuz she was always on my side. Everytime i got more miserable...i could jus grab another diet non-caffeine coke out of katies fridge...and everythin would seem to be alright. Well it's officially over...the world has turned upside down...those two perfect relationships are gone...done...my faith in the world...vanished and now...i have a good love life? What the fuck? I'm happier than ive ever been with caroline and i love her to death...it jus scares me that the two best relationships that made me believe in this fuckin world...as well as love are gone...never to put a smile on my face again...except when i reflect on the memories. So ladies and gentlemen please place ur roses on the metaphorical caskets and let your tears stream because six feet underground is a long ways...especially when its dead.