(no subject)

Mar 31, 2008 19:06

Title- Cure

Rating- PG

prompt- 104, writers choice.

Summary- JD has hiccups, everyone tries to cure him.

Warning-Very minor jd/cox slash(just a kiss)

pairing- JD/cox, but can be taken as non-slash as well.

authors note- This is my first fic ever, so if its not good, im sorry.

since it is my first fic, i would love some concrit so i can get better at fic writing, thankies! :)


JD quickly put his hands over his mouth, embarassed.

'was that you bambi?' carla asked kindly.

Jd nodded, and opened his mouth to say something.


'stay here, ill get you a glass of water.' carla walked off, trying not to giggle.

JD stands by the nurses station, waiting for carla.


'here, bambi, drink this' carla hand him a bottle of some spring water, JD hated spring water, but took it anyway.

he quickly drank half of it.

'did it work?'


'guess not.'

Turk walks up to JD.

'hey vanilla bear! whats happening?'

'nothing much turk, i just-Hiccup!!'

'woa. you got the hiccups pretty bad! try holding your breath for ten seconds, that ALWAYS works!'

Jd holds his breath.

'did it work?'


carla laughs, 'ALWAYS works? it made them worse!'

'hey JD! hows your penis?' todd grinned at him.


'woa! here, try standing on your head for a minute!'

'its not that bad! it'll be-HICCUP!'

'no really it'll work! trust me!'

todd grabs JD's ankles and holds him upside down, JD flails his arms wildly.

'JD, it wont work unless you hold stil!'

'TODD! PUT ME-Hiccup!-DOWN!'

'okay okay!.

Tod lets go of JD, who falls to the ground.

'maybe' turk interjected while JD picked himself up 'we should ask kelso! hes obscenely old, maybe he knows some crazy old fashioned remedy!'

'turk, Kelso could only make this worse!-HICCUP!'

the janitor sneaks up behind JD, and trips him with his mop.


'JANITOR! what the-HICCUP-hell!?!'

'i was just helping!'

'HOW is almost breaking my leg helping!?'

'i was trying to scare them out of you.'

JD hiccups as Turk pulls him to his feet.

'bambi, maybe we SHOULD ask kelso'

kelso conveniently walks around the corner.

'ask me what?'

'i cant stop hiccuping! do you-Hiccup!-know anything that will help?'

'Maybe. But why would i tell you?'

'... I'll give you a muffin?'

Jd takes turks choco-chip muffin and hands it to kelso.

'HEY! i was gonna eat that!' turk whined.

'i'll get you another later, i-Hiccup!- promise.'

kelso quickly devours the muffin.

'so, whats the remedy?' carla asks.

'Hm? oh, i dont have any. I just wanted a muffin!'

kelso walks off laughing, while turk glares after him.

'its useless guys, maybe they'll-HICCUP!- go away on their own,'

Todd gives JD a "good-luck-five" then JD goes to check on his patients.


'hi Ms.Kufeldt,How are you feeling today?'

'Well, if i was feeling WELL i would'nt be here, now would i?' The young woman rudely says.

'yes of course, but are you felling any bett-HICCUP!-better?'

'...well, not particularly,no.'

'hmm.. maybe we should put you on-HICCUP!- a different medicine?'

'...Dr. Dorian, are you all right?'

'yes, i just-HICCUP- cant stop hiccuping.'

'OH! I have a great remedy for that!' She said deviously.


After 20 minutes of ms.Kufeldts so-called 'remedy' (which JD suspected was'nt a remedy at all, but instead an elaborate prank to get back at him for accidentally breaking the tv in her room.JD first became suspicious when she made him take his shirt off, and glue feathers to himself,while rollerblading down the hall.) JD faked a page in order to escape. He then immediately ran to the nearest bathroom, and tried to clean himself up.

'Sarah! what this i hear about you rollerblading around the hospital with feathers glued to your chest? Did you lose a bet with Ghandi?' Dr cox says after he walks into the bathroom and sees JD there.

'No. Dr.cox, you HAVE to help me, i-HICCUP-cant stop hiccuping, and everyone is making me do crazy things that they say will get rid of them. But so far all they've-HICCUP!-done is made my chest itchy, i'm allergic to goosedown!'

'Well,Roxy, have you tried scaring them out?'

'Janitor tried to, but i think it was just an excuse to trip me...'

'Well maybe this will work.'

Dr.cox stepped closer to JD and began leering at him.

'...HICCUP!-Dr.cox, what are you doing?'

Dr cox Grabbed the front of JD's scrubs, and pulled him into a kiss.

JD's eyes went wide, but before he could respond or kiss back, Dr cox pulled away.

And Stared at JD.

Just stared.

After about five minutes of this staring (which made JD Very uncomfortable and made him feel like a fish in a bowl.) Dr cox yelled 'Cured!' Grinned a huge i'm-so-awesome-i-can-cure-anything-grin, and left the bathroom gloating.

JD waited a few minutes. Then realized his hiccups were gone. He tried to smile about this, but was much to busy feeling like he was going to vomit.

after a few minutes of standing, JD suddenly got the Overwhelming need to be horizontal, and promptly fainted.


well, what did you think? remember, my first fic, please be kind! :'D

hiccups, perry cox/john dorian

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