i should probably start posting instead of doing this things eh? nahh

Nov 28, 2004 21:26

•I N F O R M A T I O N •
Name: amy
Single or taken: single and not likin it too much
Sex: female
Birthday: april _ maggie i'm not telling
Sign: aries
Siblings: 16 yr old brother
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: always changing (yes i wear contacts hannah!)
Height: 5'8"

• R E L A T I O N S H I P S •
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: straight
Who are your best friends?: maggie, nik
You have a girlfriend?: uhmm.. no?
How many exes do you have?: some but not many
What is your longest relationship?: like not long
What was your shortest relationship?: 0 days

• S P E C I F I C S •
Do you do drugs?: psh yah, right.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: garniea
What are you most scared of?: life
What are you listening to right now: break down here - julie roberts
Who is the last person that called you?: my mom
Where do you want to get married?: in a pretty church
How many buddies are online right now?: im not on right now

• H A V E | Y O U | E V E R •
Given anyone a bath?: my cousin (she's 4)
Smoked?: yes
Bungee jumped?: i wish
Made yourself throw up?: no.. i prefer to keep it in thankyou
Skinny dipped?: yah
Ever been in love?: i think that word should be banned from the earth
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no
Pictured a crush naked?: no
Actually seen a crush naked?: no
Cried when someone died?: yes
Lied: yes.. who hasnt?
Fallen for your best friend?: i'm pretty sure, but i'm still tryin to figure it out
Been rejected?: hasnt everyone one time or another?
Rejected someone?: yes
Used someone?: i hope not
Done something you regret?: look at my user name

• C U R R E N T •
Clothes: cami, and vball comfy pants
Music: break down here - julie roberts
Annoyance: brother
Smell: my perfume is next to me
Desktop picture: ben mckensie
CD in player: the mix i made for nik
DVD in player: elf uncle buck and a knights tale - 5 disk canger
Razor: venus

• L A S T | P E R S O N •
You touched: nik
Hugged: nik
You yelled at: my mom
You kissed: steve

• A R E | Y O U •
Understanding: always
Open-minded: yes
Arrogant: again- could some one tell me what that means?
Insecure: yes
Random: when i feel like it
Hungry: no
Smart: i guess but im doing pretty bad in school right now
Moody: hell yeah, i'm a girl
Hard working: always
Organized: yes
Healthy: ehhh
Shy: around those i don't know
Difficult: no - i'm a door mat incase you were wondering
Attractive: i wish
Bored easily: yessss
Obsessed: music, shopping, and eskimos <--- if you have one could i please hug him?
Angry: no
Sad: no
Happy: no
Hyper: not right now
Trusting: yes

• W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A •
Kiss: a guy
Punch: i'll keep that to me so i don't start an outrage
Get really wasted with?: the friday night crew
Get high with: i dont plan to. ever.
Talk to offline: buddy the elf
Sex it up with: an eskimo

• R A N D O M •
In the morning I: wish i could turn back time
All you need is: love
Love is: hurtful and not lasting
I dream about: people i miss
Sexual preference: guys, hot ones, with good bod's (ehem justin ehem)
What do you notice first in the girl you're into: i'm not a lesbo

• W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R •
Coke or Pepsi: pepsi

• W H O •
Makes you laugh the most: maggie/nik
Makes you smile: all my friends
Gives you that warm feeling: all my friends

• D O | Y O U | E V E R •
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: i have before
Save conversations: good ones
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: alll the time.. they have it so much easier
Wish you were younger: all the time, why can't i be 5 every day?
Cried because someone said something to you?: yah

• N U M B E R •
Of times I have had my heart broken: 1
Of hearts I have broken: i'm too nice
Of girls I've kissed: zero
Of CD's I own: a bajillion
Of scars on my body: lots
Of things that I regret: i've lost count

• Y O U R | T H O U G H T S •
I know: things can be good
I think: you have to try
I want: to go back to texas and be happy again
I have: some of the best friends in the world
I wish: i had a boyfriend
I hate: people that hurt me
I hear: feels like today by rascal flatts
I search: for love
I wonder: what people think of me (so comment and tell if you want)
I love: my friends and family (most of the time... sometimes)

off to bed.

will someone get me the new rascall flatts cd for xmas? thanks a bunch. and an eskimo (a hot one, not sweaty but cute)
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