Nov 26, 2004 18:11
yeah so this is maggie and i am updating for jay cuz she told me to and i'm nice like that. and so what has jay been up to you ask? being cool and making candy with me :0) yummmay. cept for we all feel kinda nauseated cuz we ate so much. BLAH and yeah so ....
this is a song that i am making up for jay (she has never seen it cuz she is in the other room)
i have a friend named jay
she likes to eat alot of hay
her last name is jesernig
and she eats like a real pig (not really)
she is not like the "devil"
and she has a pet pepple?
yeah i'm bad at making up things lol and wanna hear a song i made up a long time ago cuz it's coool.... just like me ... and kinda gross... just like amy's smelly smelly feet,,, jk
( to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star)
tinkle tinkle in a jar
or make a chocolate bar
and i really don't remember the rest but it was funny. yeahhhhh so i'm done...
big font eh? i know you like it