Oct 05, 2006 19:29
Wow, it's been forever since I've updated this thing and I'm not really sure where to start, or what to update, so I will just pretend that I've been consistently updating all this time so I don't have to fill in too many blanks.
Let's see: NYU is going well. I'm not writing as much as I thought I would, but the new work is coming slowly. The very first chapter is about a paragraph away from being "done." It all usually goes much easier after that first initial squirt. Of other things novel related: I fired my agent three weeks ago because she gave me the shittiest feedback I've ever received for my third draft of Boy 5. She literally thought I should scrap the pregnancy storyline, which is what the entire novel is about (told from the POV of a pregnant woman no less). Anyway, I just decided she sat on my work for far too long and probably missed ample opportunity to sell it, so I will begin my search for someone new. If anything, my time with her forced me to make it a much stronger novel, so I don't regret it. But it does suck that she lost interest.
Things are happy at 497 Atlantic for the most part. We had an AWESOME party last weekend. I think there must have been 60 people there at one point. We had lots of booze, lots of friends, lots of good music. It was a nice way to conclude my the 24th birthday arc. I'm wearing the red sweatshirt that Martha bought me (which I love), and also blasting some new Tori songs on my bigass headphones that Sarah bought me (I love those as well).
Lucy Keys is all trained and adorable and sweet and sleeps with me like a snugglebunny.
Things are good right now, I guess. There's a slight feeling that something's missing in all of this, but it doesn't ache enough for me to pay much attention to. That's growth, I think.