May 25, 2004 21:34
Ok so my entries were gay and I was bein a fag. I was at school. Everyone's a fuckin fag at school..that's life. K, here well let me give you a right intro. I'm stacey mathews, from the Toon (saskatoon) in canada. I've been skating for maybe, a year or so. I'm on a skate team called Criticalz..but they all kick major ass compared to me. My best trick is Inward heel with a frontside body varial, switch tailslide, K-grinds, Nollie heel, I made up a trick called the Marijuana flip. Its a pretty dope trick but hard to explain. Umm yeah..manual pop-shove-it to nosemanual, i can nollie a deck but i haven't really tried any more than that, And i got mad shifty's.. and well journal IS gay and i'm deleting all that shit and getting a new one. I just don't know how to download pics onto it. But yeah sorry bout the gayness earlier. I was just ReAlly fuckin tired. So everything cool now? If not whatever. But i'm out. Peace.