In My Darkest Dreams chapter three

Apr 01, 2009 04:06

Title: In My Darkest Dreams (chapter 3/15)
Authors: Benjimmy and Nemesishamartia
Pairing: House/Wilson pre-slash.
Rating: NC-17 overall for mature themes, language, graphic violence and sexuality, and disturbing imagery. Proceed with caution.
Length: 41,468 total, 2455 this part.
Spoilers: Throughout season four. Particularly ‘97 Seconds’ and ‘House’s Head/ Wilson’s Heart.’ Diverts from canon after the finale.
Author's Notes: Much thanks to our wonderful betas, Phinnia and Evila_Elf. You’ve both been enormously helpful. WARNINGS: Very disturbing imagery throughout, mentions of self-harm and harm toward others. Credit for lyrics/chapter headings here.
Disclaimer: Ownership is for rich people.
Summary: A tour through House’s mind as he deals with the psychological fallout from Wilson’s actions and the events occurring throughout season four.
Comments, feedback, concrit, etc. much appreciated!
Chapter One is here
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

head injury, mystery, emotional hurt

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