Title: In My Darkest Dreams (chapter 2/15)
Benjimmy and
NemesishamartiaPairing: House/Wilson pre-slash.
Rating: NC-17 overall for mature themes, language, graphic violence and sexuality, and disturbing imagery. Proceed with caution.
Length: 41,468 total, ~2000 this part.
Spoilers: Throughout season four. Particularly ‘97 Seconds’ and ‘House’s Head/ Wilson’s Heart.’ Diverts from canon after the finale.
Author's Notes: Much thanks to our wonderful betas,
Phinnia and
Evila_Elf. You’ve both been enormously helpful. WARNINGS: Very disturbing imagery throughout, mentions of self-harm and harm toward others. Credit for lyrics/chapter headings
here.Disclaimer: Ownership is for rich people.
Summary: A tour through House’s mind as he deals with the psychological fallout from Wilson’s actions and the events occurring throughout season four.
Chapter One is here Chapter Two