Title: Terrors, Companionships and Changes
Pairing: House+Wilson, Huddy
Author: Alanwolfmoon
Rating: PG-13 for being just plain disturbing, in places.
Warnings: if you're not good with disturbing things happening inside people's heads, this fic isn't for you.
Summary: House gets a brain infection after the events of Head&Heart, before he's discharged from the hospital. Happy ending.
Disclaimer: MINE! ALL MINE!....uh, no. Not mine.
Notes: Reviews and flames alike are welcome. (They make it look like I'm writing fast) just got back from being a counselor in training at a five day camp that had six problem kids (including one suicidal, one self-harming, and one nasty, violent kid) out of thirteen. hadn't been near a computer the whole time, sat down, and this came out.
Terrors, Companionships and Changes