(no subject)

Jan 18, 2012 19:28

So one of my sisters, Mercedes wants to come to Bali if I get married there, my mum is pretending I never suggested it and offering suggestions that I really wouldn't want to do and when I told my other sister I was thinking Bali tonight she reacted like my mum and thinks it's a bad idea but instead of saying it's not fair on my nan she mentioned that Mercedes won't be able to come cause she can't afford it, mind you Nikki has no idea how much it costs. She also gave no indication that she would want to come and then tried to make it about her.

It's my wedding I will do what I want and if they don't like it too bad. They aren't going to be paying for it and haven't offered any helpful suggestions. I kinda just wish it was over with already. I need to make a decision and soon I'm going to have to let people know what that decision is.

On another note, Jon and I went to our first fitness class last night and oh my goodness I felt like I was going to die! Not as sore as I expected today, well except for a few of the muscles my legs but I've survived so far and I'm planning on going again on Saturday morning, bright and early at 7am since apparently the time table changed and I thought I was agreeing to 8am starts. OH well hopefully it will work and I will be nice and fit when we get to Bali, whether that's for a wedding or just a honeymoon.


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