Nov 20, 2005 14:14
Its come to my attention that you learn alot about yourself when you move (such as how much small town life can completely demoralize a person)...I finally get it. I realized this last nite upon going back to germantown. I was glad to see some people, but really realized how cold and empty most off these people are when and only are to find solace in a bottle. Living like that is what made me so cold and empty. Is this maybe all just me? I just got the feeling last nite at the party, walking around. No one knew what was going on or cared about anything. I guess if these people have found their place its one thing, but otherwise it just seems to be a bunch of people crawling through day to day with nothing but their alcohal keeping them "sane". I had a few good conversations i guess. Still something irks me...something about that place turns me into an animal that i don't like. Am I selling out?!....or just finding all that i really wanted here? Maybe I'm just jelous because i guess i don't have this certain smoothness, that charisma that really allows for people to break loose and get wild. I'm always worrying about something...even if i'm stoned. At least; around THERE i am.
I didn't even get to hang with tony or any of my closest people, it kinda bummed me out. Those are the old times I enjoy. Why the fuck do i feel so cheap right now? Theres only a few things right now that heal me...and I can't...or I have myself convinced I can't have any of the cures, none of the ones i really want anyway. Maybe I just sell myself short. Another thing, why is it when I find something or do something good for myself I either squander it or find out that its not what I thought it would be. The things and people i do find....i just end up being subjugated by them....HOLY SHIT, THATS IT....HOLY FUCK...THATS THE ANSWER I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR. Euphoric Epiphany, now I shall adjourn for a shower. The question I still stoned or is this my usual bloody self consiousness?