Title: Ripples
Pairing: Doumeki-centric; Doumeki x Watanuki
Fandom: xxxHOLiC
Rating: G
Notes: Written late at night when I was very sick. Quite short. Sorry for discrepencies.
Summary: Doumeki knows himself well, probably as well as one can no oneself. He know what he feels, and he knows what he'll do with those feelings if necessary.
Ripples )
Comments 22
And those last two paragraphs...*melts*. It's just so sweet and sad, even though Doumeki isn't sad about the decision and--and--wonderful. This is just wonderful.
(Woah, I hope you get better really soon. The whole lunch table agreed that lunch just isn't the same without you. We missed you a lot. D=)
Thanks, dearest.
(aww, I feel strangely loved. I should be back at school tomorrow though. I promise. maybe)
(As you should be! I'll be looking forward to seeing you again!)
besides, I'd go on a rampage if Doumeki did back off Watanuki so Himawari, who seems more interested on seeing the two together, could hook up with Watanuki
Oh, and I'm laughing at your icon right now. Very hard.
Azure orbs throws me a bit - it must be all those years in the Harry Potter fandom, with Harry's 'emerald orbs' being scattered around in fics left, right and centre. That phrasing always turns me off - but I think it's just a personal thing. :D
I liked the feeling of solidity, of strength we get from Doumeki. The strange enjoyment he feels being Watanuki's protector really rang true.
Although for some reason I can't see Doumeki being at all willing to step down. :D
I think the thing about Doumeki’s willingness to back off Watanuki is really open to interpretation, considering that CLAMP refuses to give us much insight into Doumeki's personality (though they've been getting better).
You just made me laugh really quite hard. I think I shocked my tortoise into early hibernation. :D
I know what you mean about the whole brickwall!Doumeki thing. There does come a point that you're staring at his each and every expression, trying to decipher what he's thinking, when you stop congratulating CLAMP for being subtle and move on to wishing they would just show us what he's feeling. *takes breath* Sorry about that. (I did like the fic, though!)
I was actually trying hard to think of something interesting to say while I was reading that... but... everyone said what I wanted to, so you're getting the normal:
"It was good. I loved it. Write more, bitch. =P"
If only, if only...
If only I could stay up until three o'clock in the morning...
I'm glad you love the praise, because that's the best I can do... other than call you Jesus... and you are my Jesus. ♥
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