Read this....

Feb 21, 2007 03:26

Guys im worried about matt, I think he needs some serious help. I dont care how mad he gets at me for posting this thing, honestly I really feel for the kid, but at the same time not at all. I just dont know.....

The Sibby 17: we really need 2 talk man

The Sibby 17: if your around please IM me

The Sibby 17: ...

wisecracker9191: hey

The Sibby 17: o good

The Sibby 17: dude I really would like 2 talk 2 u

The Sibby 17: Man I heard u have been getting into some serious shit latly man

The Sibby 17: what the hell happened! I read ur LJ, and I heard ur making beer and selling it in ur bag, even doing drugs! WTF happened to good old goofy matt?!

The Sibby 17: Whats wrong cuz this is obviously a cry for help and not who you are honestly

The Sibby 17: so?

wisecracker9191: im still here

The Sibby 17: what is that supposed 2 mean?

The Sibby 17: if your doing drugs and involved in bullshit like that there is somthing really worng.

wisecracker9191: just fed up with the old group(same matt)

The Sibby 17: that is total bullshit man! Your not at handj ever, and i hear these awful stories

wisecracker9191: from who?

The Sibby 17: okay your more than "fed up" stop acting like a baby cuz lin did not want u, scares me

The Sibby 17: from EVERYONE

The Sibby 17: youve changed

The Sibby 17: it sadens me

The Sibby 17: it really makes me so sad matt honestly

The Sibby 17: posting that on ur LJ, shunning the ones who actually cared about you, and not only that but falling into weakness like the TOTAL BULLSHIT you call "fun"

wisecracker9191: i dont care if lin wanted me..ill let you read something that willprobably change your mind

The Sibby 17: I used to be able to call you my homie who I had a lot in common with, and it scares me how to death how its hard for me to say that

The Sibby 17: okay im all for innocent till proven guilty

The Sibby 17: go ahead show me

The Sibby 17: can you show me?

The Sibby 17: Matt really, im affraid for you this is just a gateway phase your smart you HAVE to realize that

The Sibby 17: Lin is discusted by what ur doing and honestly so am I , you have a great mom and a great bro, you should really embrace that man! REALLY! you know down teh road your goign 2 regret all of this shit you know

The Sibby 17: still waiting

The Sibby 17: ...matt?

wisecracker9191: as i said b4. dont care about lin...and u dont have to live with them

The Sibby 17: okay that sounds emo, and okay fine forget lin

The Sibby 17: you know you have a pretty good life compared to other people on this planet, why destroy yourself with this shit?

The Sibby 17: and what did u want me 2 read?

wisecracker9191: the part between the two lines at the top

The Sibby 17: the stuff you said?

The Sibby 17: matt im so dissapointed in you

The Sibby 17: it saddens me

The Sibby 17: Can you honestly think your never going 2 get caught? Or can you honestly thing this is making your life better?

wisecracker9191: and to be honest. if i have changed you guys helped me along with it. i never liked asking for help and still dont. but...

The Sibby 17: im still confused are u blaming your problems and self abuse on us? OH NO NO NO, you see a persons choices are not controlled by others on ones self. YOU make your desissions and YOU have to own up to them

The Sibby 17: Matt man we all are always going 2 have problems

The Sibby 17: with our friends, and we would help you

wisecracker9191: youll see so many lj post with me crying for help. and what came of it, besides online conversations telling me to suckitup?

The Sibby 17: but thats a test of life, how strong you are, giving in is just proving how fragile you are as a person! And i know for a FACT that you stronger than that

wisecracker9191: nothing

The Sibby 17: Matt we know you needed help, I cant talk for others but when you asked me I told you, I did my best to try and help you along cuz I really like you man.

The Sibby 17: Gordo went through similar stuff man, its just you slowly got meaner and it just turned us off, only a few stayed to help, it was like a domino effect. I think if you came back dropped that shit and opened up with the REAL you

The Sibby 17: and actually admited you were humanly vunrable....then things would get better

wisecracker9191: not one to measure my strengh in will but how manny friends i have. real friends that i can actualy talk to

The Sibby 17: right now you fit the perfect outline for a substance abusing AA member, with three kids and no wife or great job. I know it sounds extreem but Im sooo worried for you man I really am

The Sibby 17: Matt the friends you get by doing things like drinking are NOT real friends. You can tell you you real friends are by stripping yoursef of that. These people arnt your frineds, there lowlifes, nobodies, and this is a fact, I dont want you 2 be one 2

The Sibby 17: and I am sure as hell you bro and mom dont want that ither

The Sibby 17: I mean honestly what started all this crap? You did not have it harder then most, sure you parents are divorced, and Lei might of been ruff, or the lin thing got you down, or problems at home. who does not have that problem?

wisecracker9191: dude, sibby. right now im exhausted, having trouble typing on my phone and your insulting my clossest friends? wtf
The Sibby 17: matt there not your closest friends, if your having trouble typing answer me this

The Sibby 17: are u going 2 change your ways for the better? Yes or No?

The Sibby 17: so are u? Are u going 2 cut the habbit of drugs and drinking or what? yes or no?

The Sibby 17: or does that make u cool? so what will it be that should not b 2 hard 2 type. yes or no?

wisecracker9191: since we cant talk in person to give u a better under standing of what has been going on. no

The Sibby 17: fine then I guess you totally not worth saving matt, your not worth my time and your not worth lifes time. If your going 2 just give up like that then fine, just let the matt that was my friiend die

The Sibby 17: tell him I miss him and good bye if your not letting him come back

The Sibby 17: I should just kick the shit out of you next time i see you, Lin is right you really have become a bad egg man, its so fucking sad

The Sibby 17: if you want 2 go, then go get some rest, not like it matters ur just going 2 pass out soon anyways im sure.....

wisecracker9191: dude, whats up with you? you dont have my side of the story, yet you leap to judge me?

The Sibby 17: Okay this is what I SEE!

The Sibby 17: YOU posting how to make FUCKIN BEER on ur LJ

The Sibby 17: not showing up at HandJ not talking 2 any of us, my bro telling me that your selling beer and doing drugs, as well as any BHS person, and how you hit on underage girls all the time like they need 2 be dragged down with you

The Sibby 17: what the fuck am i supposed 2 think! Do you honestly think there might be a GOOD FUCKING REASON why you have been doing this shit?

wisecracker9191: so? next time your over u can even ask my ma why thats there. what do u wamt from me?

The Sibby 17: what do I want? A half decent FUCKING exsplination, on why the FUCK your spiraling out of control!

The Sibby 17: ...sighs....I hear it from everyone, everyone even nick, and all the people that I trust so closly that one of my friends is just getting himself fucked up

The Sibby 17: I mean come on I hear your super protective over your bag and all that shit.

wisecracker9191: A) if u want to continue this talk in person we can. B) i dont see your bro any more, but the incident that i think hes talkin..

The Sibby 17: Matt Im just freaking affraid for you

wisecracker9191: about was with my close friend of 4 yrs. C) i dont have time for h+j anymore cuz of accidemics

The Sibby 17: I should let you sleep man, you have school tomarrow I mean today. But im going 2 further investigate this shit, and honestly I hope your right, I hope that your side makes sence

wisecracker9191: it does to me atleast

The Sibby 17: matt we all know academics come last man, come on now Lei and Lin and all the others who are amazing students even have time for handj people like u and I can easily make time

The Sibby 17: matt that is a totally self absorbed view man, just cuz it makes sense to you does not mean it wont fuck you life over

The Sibby 17: And it certainly does NOT mean that its helping people around you.

wisecracker9191: if i dont get 95s or better im gone...

The Sibby 17: what do you mean gone? and does that mean all this stress is in turn turning you to these bad habbits?

The Sibby 17: u still have a few more years man, and im glad u want 2 do good, but with these habits thats just not goign 2 happen. Im sure Lin did not become the stunning academic she is by ignoring others and drinking.....

The Sibby 17: I mean Jordan for example, she is an stellar student, instead of doing stuff like making beer, and smoking, how about you presue liek I dont know a freaking tutor or spend that time working on accidemics

wisecracker9191: we'll talk l8r night :-). good to kno i still got u..i think...
The Sibby 17: ....Matt I want 2 help you I want you 2 want 2 be helped man

wisecracker9191: and for the last time, im not

The Sibby 17: your not what

wisecracker9191: making beer

The Sibby 17: well ur still doing all the other shit im sure

The Sibby 17: anyways I would like to continue this convo when ur better rested, but you know this is still insane. and i just dont knwo what you could say to make me thing what ur doing is okay

The Sibby 17: *think

wisecracker9191: you dont have the slightest idea. and i shouldnt have to defend my self like this to a friend. good night.

The Sibby 17: your not my friend, the old matt was. The matt I knew would not of just given up. Dont be a failure, get up and try for once.

The Sibby 17: Sweet dreams

signed off


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