It's been over a year since I've posted here at LJ but I didn't give up checking in and commenting from time to time. Somehow after losing Bernie, I just didn't know what to write. It's been a difficult year (in a month) but I think I'm slowly coming out the other side. I owe a debt of gratitude to
grandma_kate and to
sheffers81 for being such prolific writers that I was always busy and in touch with fun, upbeat people. My thanks to both you ladies. You have both just finished massive pieces of work and my hat is off to you both. You deserve to be justly proud. Now that I've just renewed my LJ account for another year I owe it to myself to post more often and get back in touch. I promise to try. It's a rainy, miserable Saturday afternoon so I'm off to the kitchen to keep an eye on the spaghetti sauce I started a while ago--hours to simmer yet but it's a great day for it.