Jul 01, 2005 21:00
I bought boots this week. I’d been looking for new winter/hiking/bad-ass boots, but had two requirements that seemed to cancel each other out (both in store and online):
(1) That they be made of something that isn’t leather
(2) That they are a size 15
After much searching, I came to the conclusion that such a men’s boot does not exist, so I gave in on the first part and bought a pair of Chippewa “IQ” (industrial quality) black, steel toe, thinsulated boots. They aren’t my normal size 15, but are actually a 13 extra wide, which fit great (there’s no way these are real 13s. My toe doesn’t touch the end). Having such feet is a horrible pain whenever I look for new shoes. But these are great, and huge! I grow over 3” when I wear them, and the pair weighs in at about 6 pounds! That might not sound heavy, but if you compare most shoes/boots to something weighing 6 lbs, you’d crap yourself and then die of a combination of “humiliation” and “intimidation” I call “inhumidiation”. So anyways, with the purchase of these, I’ve given in on my quest to avoid leather (and fur, but that doesn’t come up nearly as often). If my feet were smaller, it wouldn’t have been an issue, but it seems this world is not meant for my kind.
Now, in today’s “Paul’s Question Corner” of ye olde blog, I have a few questions in relation to a certain possible happenings in the not too distant future, particularly pertaining to the permanent inking of one’s body known in the business as “tattooing”.
(1) Do I need to actually schedule an appointment, or for something as simple as lettering could I maybe just show up?
(2) How long does it take to drive from Boston to Albany (I forget from last year’s Siren trip), or rather, can it be done reasonably within one day?
(3) If not, could I possibly stay the night with you? I have nothing actually planned out, so I could do this any day of the week that works out best for y’all.
The reasons why I’m directing tattoo questions your way are that your ink connection seems reputable, and I don’t want to find my own. Plus, I might as well give business to a friend of a friend, and ever since the Ted Leo show I’ve felt a need to see Ottawa 2 aka the Capital Region aka the Big Golfer in the Sky aka Albany. So please reply, since I would like to have my bandages off by like mid-July. Hell, I’d drive over tomorrow if it were cool with you. Talk to ya later mang!!!