Have you ever vicariously felt anticipation from a gift going to another person? I know at times I have, but it’s usually on the level of “here’s a DVD....let’s watch it now!”
However, over the past few weeks I’ve derived much giddy joy from my father’s 50th birthday present. After a bit of thought, along with some testing and paper work, he now has a license to drive a motorcycle, and as of yesterday has ordered a 2005 Harley-Davidson Sportster 1200 Roadster (for pictures, go
here; his is “Black Cherry Pearl”) which will arrive on next Friday. I just got off the phone with him, and he said it’s like he’s a little kid waiting for Xmas to come. Now I can’t wait to see it, then learn to ride it, then crash it and ultimately learn a valuable lesson about how there’s a time and place for doing handstands on a bike, and rt. 9 at night is not one of them.