so an ounce of prevention is like, worth a pound of cure

Feb 02, 2008 12:30

so i was finally getting back into the groove, teaching myself how to use gtk for my own nefarious purposes (because really, what other kind of purpose is there?) and starting to worry about that fan on my northbridge chipset that had been rattling a bit for the last couple of months. i know it was that fan.

having recently upgraded to a dual monitor display, i found myself running lots and lots of applications all the time, and what seemed like so much memory back in the day just was no longer cutting it. i had already the replacement fan, and some thermal grease to go with it, but i was delaying the installation until i felt like it.

after a bit, i realised i would not feel like replacing that fan, ever, so i ordered some more ram thinking "get them both done at once, while i have the machine open." it was a brilliant plan.

at least, it would have been brilliant if i had conceived it one day sooner.

on the day the upgrade arrived, i walked in from work at around noon, and my computer was off. funny, i thought, i remembered not powering it down, but immediately suspected that the fan had finally gone out. well, it had.

and if only i had replaced that fan when i had a chance, i would never have let the magic smoke out. oh well. upgradesville for me, then.
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