Jan 11, 2020 01:20
Народ уже в открытую признает, что климатические модели совершенно не описывают окружающую нас реальность:
Projections have been for winters to become increasingly mild, with less frequent snowfalls. However, severe winter weather persists, and in some regions, heavy snowfalls have become more, not less, frequent.
Однако же не оставляет надежды обосновать что Cooling is Warming и привязать все эти погодные безобразия к Arctic amplification:
Currently, observed and simulated NH midlatitude continental temperature trends are diverging. If future midlatitude winters warm while converging towards simulated trends, then the current divergence is likely to have been a result of natural variability. Alternatively, future modelling simulations may converge towards support of the observationally derived hypothesis that AA favours colder midlatitude winters. As discussed above, modelling studies with regional sea ice melt confined to the Barents-Kara Seas and a well resolved stratosphere with interactive stratospheric chemistry do simulate a weakened polar vortex and cold midlatitudes consistent with the observations.