Dec 09, 2009 03:12

ASibilantMacabre: "Get in here, Xigbar. Lurking in doorways is rude."

Lotus R0kker: "What, that's what I do." He raises a brow. "So, been thinking.."

ASibilantMacabre: "Have you? Amazing." Have a dry snort over the steaming coffee cup, but a nod nonetheless. "Sit. I'm not shouting across the room."

Lotus R0kker: "Yeah, yeah." Xigbar shrugs and walks over, sitting down. He nods. "Alright, so, as I was saying. You know little Clone Ansem fell off the face of the Island, right?"

ASibilantMacabre: "Mm, indeed. I recall several...upstarts quite put out about it." Saix absently taps a finger on his chair arm. "But quite fortuitous, that."

Lotus R0kker: "Thought so too." Xigbar grins. "Thinking we should get this ball rolling while we got the opportunity."

ASibilantMacabre: "Agreed. I'm somewhat curious as to Eight and Thirteen, however. On their interactions with Sora. From what I can tell, and my own conversation with the bratling, he's still convinced he can take on the entire universe and, as long as he wears a smile, can conquer it."

Lotus R0kker: "Well, ain't I going to be glad to shoot that smile right off that face." Xigbar laughed, crossing his arms across his chest. "I'm not worried about his wannabe hero ass. I learned something nice about this place. Even if he does manage to knock us down, we'll just come right back up to keep up our mission." A chuckle. "Virtually, there's no stopping us."

ASibilantMacabre: Oh, but both eyebrows go up at that bit of news. "Oh, really? Hnnnn, isn't that interesting...?" Then Saix frowns a bit. "So, the flip side of that means that we're trapped here, yes?"

Lotus R0kker: "So what if we are?" Xigbar leans back. "Our goal's to collect hearts, not to reach the end of worlds and back. If we can get whole, then we've done what we set out to do." He grins. "This island keeps bringing people here, and I'm sure we'll have a pick of the crop in hearts. I think it's about high time we start harvesting, wouldn't you say?"

ASibilantMacabre: Saix thoughtfully puts a finger to his lips, pondering. "Good point. I agree. Truth be said, I'm quite tired of marking time myself. Vexen's content to hole away in his laboratory, Axel and Roxas seem to be utterly content with their friendship and "other", while Demyx -" Saix breaks off, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "- is utterly and completely worthless, in my opinion. He might have his uses, but I'd hate to hazard a guess as to what they'd be." Shaking his head, he looks at Xigbar again. "Vexen has requested Alice's heart again. He informed me earlier that he might have come across a way of replicating it."

Lotus R0kker: "Sure," Xigbar nods. "If Ice can replicate it, that just means more hearts as powerful as the princesses of heart, right? Gotta be careful with that, you know Vexen has a history of running lots of.... trials before getting it right." as far as Xigbar was concerned, that wasn't too much of a problem-- they had nothing but time.

ASibilantMacabre: "Believe me," golden eyes roll, "I know." But then came a knock at the front door and Saix smiled his evil smile and murmured, "Ah, right on time." Lifting his voice, he called, "Enter, Vexen, and do lock the door behind you, hm?"

Chocsbud: The door slipped open, and Vexen slid in, his movement still a bit agitated from spending too much time at his apartment before hand. "Are you expecting spies so soon, VII?" The Elder replied, locking the door and turning to approach them. "Or is this something bigger than I assumed?"

Lotus R0kker: Xigbar rolled his eye. "It's called manners, make sure you wipe your feet on the way in too." Xigbar laughed under his breath, speaking more jokingly than anything else. "Oh, but yeah. It's big."

ASibilantMacabre: Saix nods. "Xigbar speaks truly." He adds, "For once," under his breath. "But yes, do sit down, Vexen," the Diviner bids the scientist almost cordially, a frightening sign for anyone who'd known the Second for any period of time. "We're taking hearts, and decided to let you in on our little project."

Chocsbud: The blond man raises an eyebrow, but takes a chair as he was bid. Honestly, he would much rather be in his supporting role in his makeshift lab, but it was never a good idea to ignore a summons sent by the Diviner. "I assumed it would be something of that nature," Vexen replied, glancing down to make sure the seat was clean before he used it. That was going to grow into a habit, he was sure. "It is not a bad time to do it, actually. The Island seems to be in a bit of disarray."

Lotus R0kker: "Well, sounds like we all agree." Xigbar nodded. "Gotta agree, keep Demyx out of it along with Roxas. I'm sure XIII would just want to do that traitor thing he does so well, and you can count on VIII having his back... unless we want to test his loyalty." He shrugged. "Far as I can see, us three are going to be the heavy hitters."

ASibilantMacabre: "Concurrent, Xigbar," Saix agrees. "I plan on saving both of those ingrates for last, when I can savor their deaths on my blade." Truly, seeing Roxas lifeless and headless is rather high on the Diviner's priority list. It hadn't always been so, but events in the Organization had led to such extreme measures. "And Xemnas is not here to stay my hand this time. But, I agree with Vexen; the island does seem to be a bit…disorganized, and we will have to exercise great care to move about without being detected." He snorts. "While Sora is at the moment a bit distracted by Ansem's absence and his new 'duties', there are still others who will bear watching. Cissnei, for one, and that boy she fraternizes with, perhaps a few of the others. The Gunblade, definitely, as we've had encounters with him before." He glances at Vexen. "Think you of any others, offhand?"

kh, vexen, xigbar, saix, salkia island, plots

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