So yesterday I spent a hell of a lot of money that I never intended to (hair-straightening iron that does these awesome spiral curls that have survived - kinda...well, okay, just the wavy bits - me sleeping on them; nearly 24 hours). The man said I could. In fact, it was because of him I bought the bloody thing. Now I have 7 days to learn how to do with the girl in the mall did to my hair. It doesn't look difficult - but that's the point, isn't it? Updates as they come.
Now I'm dawdling to go out for the day. Shopping for my "secret pal" at work (think Secret Santa, but all-year-round - $10/gift max, but we are encouraged to not spend much). I have no idea what to get her because she didn't fill out her little form with detail. I need details, people! I'm sure my secret pal is wondering what kind of nutjob I am, but at least I put a lot of information down so they aren't suffering too much as to what to get me. Oh, well, maybe not. I know I have the tendency to overwhelm folks.
The morning fog's finally lifted. I suppose I should get my butt in gear.
Oh, and
why didn't anyone tell me about this???