Jul 14, 2004 01:09
I noticed an 'odd' trait in each of our huskies.
Nika: Nika doesn't like getting her feet wet. She hates the feel of wet grass. If you try to take her potty and it has rained, she will try and walk the perimeter of the yard so that she doesn't have to touch the wet grass. She gets so mad at me b/c I go and stand in the middle of the yard to where she has no choice but to step on the grass:)
Sheba: Sheba shakes her head quickly from side to side when you give her certain foods. Especially bread. It's the cutest thing but strange nonetheless. The only thing we can think of is that she is simulating when wolves tear the meat off of bones but she is the only husky my mom's ever had that's done that (and my mom's had upwards of 9 at one time). Does anyone else's do that??
Now guilty pleasures. I was thinking about it last night and Nika and Sheba each have a certain thing that they just love to ingest. Nika's is pretty normal. She loves pig ears. You can't even say the words "pig" or "ear" around her b/c she gets all excited and then won't leave you alone.
Sheba's is a little stranger. She loves cocoa butter lotion. She knows what it smells like and if you're in the other room putting some on and she catches a whiff, she's in there in a second. We always have to hurry up and put our socks on after putting cocoa butter on our feet b/c if we don't, Sheba will come by and lick it completely off.