'cause I don't need your approval to find my worth I've been trapped inside of my own mind afraid to open my eyes to what I'd find

Oct 12, 2002 02:05

I've been compelled to try to write a story lately.. so here's a try:

Honest to god, this is all me... there are no influenses, althogh, Heidi, it may seem ther are..trust me... I've always said I wanted to live in the woods somewhere in a little cottege... so this is my 'happy place' setting.. kind of. I must say it is some influence from Hawthorne.

Whether she was in her room, lying on her plush, scarlet red linen, 4 post bed, or sitting happily on the sand by the ocean surf, which she walked to from the little cottege in the woods, far away from life, she would often think of that love so familer. Although, she had never met this love, she had an image in her head of him. Of course, he was everything. The image of him was faint and sort of ghosty like.. sometimes she'd think she saw an apperation of some sort, and look curiously, yet causiously at the faint, pale face.

This particular day she was in the woods, looking for the rarest of flowers. She held her basket loosly, for she was careless and free. Gracefully tip toeing through the thorns and underlying shrubs, she spotted a patch of sunshine, where the brightest, red rose she ever saw was gleaming with the mist of the morning dew still. She excidity hurried over to marvel at this beautiful scene, god like it was. As she bent down to pull the delicate flower off it's healthy green stem, she saw the apparation again. It was closer than it had been ever before. She got closer, and the closer she got, the stranger the feelng she felt. She felt it in her head, her arms, her neck, her legs, her stomach had butterflies, and her heart, her heart, most of all, was affected the most during this one particular encounter. She wondered what this was. The ghostly figure was one of old times. He sported a clothing of a differant type, something she had not seen, nor her mother, nor even her grandmother in her day. It was differant, and it became obvious this was a ghost, a ghost of some sort from the early american days. Before the revolution, before the artiscracy arrived in America.. it was simply before anything. She was taken aback as the figure moved closer and dropped her basket and ran when it got too close.
This was the first meeting she had with him.

Genevieve, as she was called, was only 12 during those days. The first meeting was the last... but she never forgot that ghostly figure that had made her feel the way she did. Years passed, and still not a visit. She wanted him to visit again. She wanted to feel that intense feeling again. The years had gone by, and not Genevieve was a woman, at the age of 18. She was still preserved in her beautiful youth. She had long flowing curly light brown locks. They had the smallest tint of red on them, when she was in the sun. Her eyes were big and green, greener than most of the foliage in the forest. Her cheeks were foreven smitten with the pale colour of crimson. Her mouth always full, and tender, with the hint of pink. She was a beauty, both physically and spirtually. She still ran free through the forest, letting her long skirts trail behind her. She still ran and sat at the surf of the beach. How she did love nature, and have the most fervernt love for it. She loved the cold raindrops upon her tounge, she loved the sound of the surf when it crashed against the dunes and the rocky shore. She loved the winds silent cool breeze that flowed through her long hair and caressed her slender arms. She loved the feel of the grass when she threw herself upon it. She loved everything about the smalll forest where her parents had built the quaint little cottage. She would come home from a day of wandering through the forest, stepping barefoot on the hardwood floors, tip toing carefully not to wake her mother and father, with in her hands, the fragrant bouquet of flowers she had picked.

Time had passed yet, and Genevieve longed to go beyond the forest, to see the world, and what lied ahead for her future. She begain to venture new parts of the forest that she had never seen before and it was even more beautiful. She came across the vines with large blooming red and pink flowers attached on them very delictly. She came across weeping willows, that wallowed in the water and shade of the large live oak tree. After coming home from a day of wandering, she felt extremely tired, and decided to sleep. She slept and slept and dreamed dreams she had never dreamed before.

In her dream, that apparation of the boy appeared. As preserved and faint as his face was, she managed to see his face as he stood closer and walked silently closer and closer. He was so close now that she could feel his breathing. She could finally see his features. An apparation he was, but while his figures were still faint, she pinpointed his golden hair, his large, all knowing blue eyes that looked right into her soul and she felt it. She saw his full lips, and the passion they held. She saw his cheeks, perfectly made with just the slightest hint of pink on his pale face. He took her face with his ghastly cold white hand and felt the softness of her cheek. She could feel his longing. She could feel his heart beating, and wondered what it was that he wanted. She gazed into his blue eyes, in what seemed like it was forever, and then awoke. She found herself cold and alone.. She tried to move, but every move she made was an effort, and a sensational pain ran through her body when she squrimed. She could not speak, and she could not hear. All she could do was see the actions happening in slow and fast motion at the same time. She tried to scream out, but it was impossible. She thought to herself,. "AM I still dreaming?" Each time she blinked it had the equivalncy of what seemed, hours. Time passed, while she lay motionless in the red scarlet bed. She fell again in another deep slumber, she dreamed she was in the blooming forest, she was sitting in the old live oak that was upon the weeping willows and the endless vines with the pink and red flowers. She was sitting there with her flowing white skirts pulled up and her bare feet dangling in the water. She was gazing off into the endless blue water, when again the ghostly figure appeared. His features seemed more clear. She could see his well defined face, his blue eyes seemed bluer, his cheeks seemed redder, and his face seemed to be not so pale. He reached out his hand for hers, and for once , she did not hesitate, she grasped it, and he pulled her up. Upon the water they danced for hours, and days, and years. It seemed forever, but again she awoke in that same inert state. She was confused.

But she lie breathless, yet her mind was still there.She longed for that ghosty figure to come take her away. To take her back into those woods, which were so magical to her. To take her back to the shore, where she watched the tides change, the seagulls soar and the waves come in and out. She wished with all her might, but the appartion, did not show. She longed once more, and wished for him to come take her away, and bring her back into that serene place where she felt alive, and she felt love. But he still did not show. She pulled her body up, with all her might, and ran as fast as she could through the woods, looking for the figure that showed her what love was, she looked around, and called out to the ghostly figure. She finally, exhaused threw herself onto a patch of wildflowers and cried. She wanted to see him again. He had a calm feeling about him, and she felt at ease when she was with this immortal soul.

She awoke, and found herself in her bed, tucked in. The window's sheer curtains fluttered in the sea breeze, and she got a feeling she was being watched. SHe slowly turned to her left, and there sat the figure, no long ghostly, no longer faint, nor pale. He was in human figure, of normal colour and now his features gleamed. His eye had a spark of life, his lips red with desire, and his cheek burned a scarlet colour as well. HE sat and stared at the girl. He sat in a chair at her side, and just looked, and took in what was happening. She begin to speak, but he begain to speak, heavenlike his voice seemed, "Hello, we meet again." He had the slightest hint of an accent on his perfect vocabulary.. she tried to speak but he placed a graceful finger up to his passionate lips and said, " I've been watching you. Yes, I was once alive. L:ike you are now. I have been granted one night of mortal life to spend it with you. Your carefree spirit has filled me full of love, and appreciation, something I never did in my life. I feel sorrow for it, but you, are everything I have ever missed in my life."
He moved closer, extending a long slender arm to touch her hair.
"I've seen you grow up here, in these woods, were I used to live. I Was confined to live in this forest foreverm For I did not appreciate it, and did not understand the calming song the trees sang when the wind blows through their leaves. I did not understand the lesson the shore sang when the tide comes. I did not understand what the sunshine was until I saw you. I never knew what love was, I never knew what I was missing. When I touched your face I saw that I missed out on alot. I miss that touching that face, may I?
She nodded yes smiling, still taken aback by his sincere words. She felt her heart beating quicker than it ever had. He placed his still cold hand on her cheek, he closed his eyes and smiled.
"My name is Joseph. I lived here in the year of 1600 and 90. I died only at the age I still am preserved as, 19. I caught pneumonia and never made it through." His hand still on her face.
"Why are you here, wanting me?" Genevieve asked, quietly.
"Your spirit, when you entered this forest. I felt it so strongly. It was as if everything i had ever missed came back and it was even more intense. Every time you set foot in this forest I felt it. I felet something i never knew my heart had."
:Which is?" She questioned.
"Love." With this his leaned forward and with those passionate red lips he shared a kiss with the love he had watched for nearly 7 years. She was felt with this immortale kiss. She felt like she never had before, The feeling he gave her was, indiscribable. She was wide eyed and curious.
"so, this feeling, that I feel, and have felt, is love?" She asked.
"yes." He smiled. "It is nothing less than love."
"When I first looked into your eyes I saw a light, a light that brightened my darkened heart I never knew i had."
She said, and again leaned to kiss those sweet lips she had before.

I gotta finish this later! I'm tired, but tell me what you think.. I think it sucks! LOL
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