Friends only

Dec 31, 2020 00:00

Made by sun_soraya

From now on most of my entries will be friends only. But don't worry, if we have something in common just leave a comment and I'll most likely add you back.

This journal is mainly about my fandoms and a little bit about my real life, which is really boring. You will find entries about Arashi or JE in generally, J-Doramas, SGA, SPN or Dr Who.

Don't add me if the following applies:

-This journal contains slash and yaoi which means same gender relationships. So if you don't like it then don't add me.

-If you only like the boys from JE because of their looks and think, that they can't sing, dance or act you shouldn't add me too. I know that not all of them can dance or sing, but I hate it when somebody says that it applies to all of the boys.

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