let's learn yucatan slang aka mayan-ben

Mar 19, 2008 12:44

I was searching for work purposses this stuff but then I decided to share with the world aka the flist. You might think what the heck you're talking about in a little words the place aka State I live (Yucatan) it differentaes from the rest of Mexico in terms of culture and specially accent and language ( I proclaim us as Osaka style LOL, noisy, we have our own sense of humour hehe) XD so I decided to share a list of words that are used by people from here specailly the ones who lives at Villages or little towns, you won't listen a lot this coming by middle to upper class people form here maybe some little words but this is mostly used by people with high mayan roots. I know some of them and it's funny to learn and remember stuff you knew when little because maybe the person who cooked for you was from other towns and not the capital and she/he used a lot of Yucatan-ben.
In a side note we pronounce the "x" as "sh", all words ended with "n" sounds like "m" (I always correct my mom with that XD), "h" sometimes can sound as "j" ( in spanish, on english remains the same pronounciation) and the "ñ" sounds as "ni". Add that heavy accent and you get the way some Yucatan people speak XD.
And before I start, welcome to
bakabanri and
daitetomohisa who recently added me as a friend.

Aprendamos Maya/ Let's learn some Mayan-ben

Achocar: Acomodar apretujadamente / to shove something into
A wech!: A wevo! / something like:  Da-aaah(Obviously) dude!
Anolar: Chupar un dulce / to lick
Box (ito) : negro (negrito) / black
Bobox: Parte baja de la espalda (Trasero) / butt
Cabax: Simple, hecho al ahí se va, half done
Caas Keb: Muy feo (está muy caas-keb esto) / fuggly
Chan: hacer algo rápido: chan bañate y vamos / prefix used before a word when you're doing something pretty fast
Chop: ciego / to get blind for an instant
Chop calle: Calle cerrada, ciega / blind street
Comó: Olor a huevo / rotten smell
Cut: Tamular chile, chile tamulado / procces to smash peppers
Chamal: cigarrillo / cigarrete
Chacpol: pelirrojo/ redhead
Chel: guero o de cabello y ojos color claro / caucasian, blonde person
Chichazo: Acertar a algo de casualidad, de chiripa/ to get something done just by luck
Chichí: Abuela/ grams
Chola: Cabeza / head
Chuchuluco: Chipote en la cabeza/ inflamation after get hit on the head
Chiltomate: Salsa de chile y tomate / tomato and chili sauce
Chiuó: Tarántula. También aplicado a mujeres muy feas / Tarantula also applied to ugly women.
Chivaluna: Lunar o mancha grande en el rostro/ big mole on the face
Ch'oocnac: Dolor intestinal, cólico/ stomache
Chuch: Expresión de cariño. Ej:"Ay! mas chuch el ninio" / adjective used to express affection
Chuchú: Seno / Boob
Chuc: Remojar alimentos sólidos en alimentos líquidos. Sopear / To dip food into something
Chocó: Caliente/ Hot
Chuchería: Cualquier cosa/ when you have any object storaged that might be unservible
Dzat'z: Alimento de harina (de maíz o trigo), suavizado por la
humedad / adjective applied to flour based food that gets softened by humidity
Dziriz : niño de temprana edad / young kid
Enchumbado: Se dice de un trapo o cualquier cosa muy mojada /applied to things that get really wet
Fó!: asco, guácatelas/ Gross!, Eeew!
Jaranchac: Mal hecho, hecho apresuradamente / bad done
Jaranchac: Mal hecho, hecho apresuradamente / bad done
Kiritz: Mugre pegada/ dirt
Kix: Pelos parados / spiky hair
Koox Haná: Invitación a comer / Let's eat!
Koox wené: Invitación a dormir/ Let's sleep
Koox Dzidz: Invitación a hacer el amor/ Let's get laid XDDDDD
Lec: recipiente esférico con un agujero al centro (de jícara) para
guardar las tortillas/ spheric item to place tortillas
Lets: Adulador, lambiscón / annoying flatterer
(hacer) Loch:  abrazar a alguien amorosamente / the infamous bear hug style XD
Maré!: Osea!/ Ha!, ex: like Ha! You saw him again.
Macachí!: Cierra la boca, ¡cállate! / Shut up!
Mac-tá: Se dice de un tipo insoportable, come excremento (Es un mac-tá)/ Go and eat poo!
Majar: Aplastar. Vgr: ¡Uay, ya me majé un .....! / To smash something into your finger
Mulix: De cabello muy rizado / Curly hair
Mixtán: Amante, querido (Sancho)/ Lover
Mixo(a): Gato. Gata, la muchacha / Cat
Mején kisín: Diablito, niño terrible / Little devil
Nach: Restos de comida del día anterior / Leftovers
Nohoch: Grande /  Big, usually applied to big persons
Patz: Nalgas planas / flat assed
Pec: Perro / Dog
Pelaná: Mentada de madre / Kind of an insult like F*ck*r
Perech: Justo, exacto/ that just fitted by luck
Puch: Aplastado, ex: No hagas puch la comida! / smashed,to force something to fit  as ex: Your jeeans look really puch
Purux: Gordito / Fatty
Pirix: Trasero/ Ass .... **this one never but never use it if you don't have enough trust with the person
Pitiado: que dejo "marcado" su calzón, o truza con un gas / used when underwear gets dirty
Piscina: alberca / swimming pool
Pibil: enterrado Vgr. cochinita pibil= cochinita enterrada / food cooked underground
Poch (estar): Tener deseos (antojos) de algo / To dessire, to feel horny
Tirix tá: Diarrea
Tuch: ombligo / navel
Uixar: Orinar / To pee
Wascop: Zapé, coscorrón! / To hit someone on the head aka the infamous tsukomi
Way! : Deftú literalmente en el más vulgar sentido de la palabra es: Nó mames! /  used when surprised,Wow!, Damn!
Wiro: Naco / redneck
Xcanlol: Una flor, un floripondio, maricón / afemminated male
Xic: Axila / armpit
Xerec: Jícama picada, con trozos de cítricos. Revoltura / Jicama and citric salad, also to amke something into a mess
Xix: Resto / leftovers
Xiipa: Niño de edad mediana / pre-teen
Xó!: Cállate / Shut Up!
Xtup (ito): El más pequeño de la familia, el benjamín / the youngest kid at the family
Xum: Amante, querida / Lover, mistress
X'majaná Mariposa negra enorme / Big black butterfly of not so lovely aspect
Xmelen: Tonto, menso / Fool, idiot, stupid, Baka
Xnipec: Salsa mexicana. Salsa pico de gallo. Literalmente
significa: nariz de perro / Mexican sauce but literally it means Xni=Nose Pec:Dog = Dog's Nose.
Yayá : Herida / injury

And this was Vero-sensei...a fangirl post will come soon this afternoon or tomorrow hehehe.

mexico, blabs

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