semi friends only

Jan 23, 2016 16:16

70% Private 30% Public
Since I tend to write lot of personal stuff I decided it was time to make this journal semi friends only.
So if you're weirdly marveled or interested in other things that aren't my icon and you can tolerate a load of fangirl posts or you want to get to know me this is the perfect post to leave a comment, and say "Hola" or just drop why or how you got here, if we share interests, dunno whatever you want.
My icons are public no need add me just for them ^^
Yep Ms. Kimura Kaela wants to know why too XD.

Because certain person told me this:
Todas las amigas de Deftu son mis friends xD...
guess who the Deftu is and will add you back xD
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