alan is lost in japan xDDD

Nov 05, 2010 01:59

Because sometimes I don‘t only fangirl over korean or japanese artists or either hot soccer players Last week I found out through his twitter (stalkiiiiiing) that this Musical mexican actor I like a lot has been posting his adventures in youtube been one of the most interesting ones his trip to Japan and how a deer ate his map at Nara while putting a precious face and scolding the deer for eating it “Now I‘m gonna get lost...pouts“

Though I have to confess that while some of the stuff he tapes is interesting dear god Alan you‘re precious but your narrations can be pretty boring xDDDDDDDD.
Though I will share his first clip of him in Tokio he gives pretty nice tips for the travelers well mexican ones xDDD.

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Ahhhhhhh Alan why so precious *__*

im so random that it hurts, im a fangirl so what

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