(un) welcomed ghosts

Mar 16, 2021 19:49

i had another lucid dream yesterday morning. i actually didnt realize i was dreaming but i did have that exploratory energy that is involved. i was in an apartment and i think my mom was present in a room or other. everything was very white and new. i knew that i could explore and that the apartment was unfurnished. i went into the living room and i was conscious and trying to figure out which city i was in. as i looked out the window i saw a fire station. it looked similar to the one in the castro and i thought that maybe i was in sf. there was another room with a window and i went to look out that one. i cant remember what i saw outside that one. i went into the hallway to explore my surroundings, i think my grandparents were somewhere. everything fades from here.

this dream happened after i woke up around 0600. i thought to myself that i wouldnt be able to get back to sleep and that i should just get up. i straddled my body pillow and i was out. this is the first lucid dream that i was actually walking around with the full function of my limbs. all of the others have been a variation of me lying on my back floating around in a nonsensical way. i think that i am making great gains with these dreams though i must admit artificially.

as far as the ghosts, i have no idea what to say. i wake up to you all every morning and each night i tuck you in. it is strange how it all coincides.

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