There are so many amazing and really talanted graphic makers in lj. I have my favourite makers and I'm always really happy when they're posting new stuff. So I want to share who my favourite graphic makers are, to praise them for their awesome work and creativity and to tell them that I adore their work. I saw many people doing this and thought that this is great way to show people that you appreciate their work and to make them feel special. Soo no more talks...Enjoy the prettiness!
They are not in a specific order, because I didn't want to decide who is 1st, 2nd, 3rd ect =)
faerna ullaaa @
fragiledaylight doesnotsway @
withyourego nicolemissing @
lakecastle faithforgiven kwormald_girl liptease @
audiospaces 24_amends @
designable ery_90 alisea_dream @
polaroid_this born_butterfly @