
Mar 07, 2011 08:30

Why am I more well rested after 3 hours sleep than I usually am after 6+?

Anyway, dreams tonight=funky. in that I was playing D&D and alternating
between my POV and my character's, who was apparently a human barbarian named
Horse who had a Gorian disdain for clothing, stunted language ability on
account of fending for himself in the wild since he was 4 (he certainly wasn't
*dumb*, I saw his character sheet!) and an inexplicable proficiency in
primitive firearms. I had an epiphany towards the end, because the campaign
world had early internal combustion engines and horseless carriages and stuff
and how that would combine with a world that already had magic and all.. Then
I rolled initiative and got some weird 4-digit not-number that's simply impossible
with a D20 and I woke up.
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