We live in one of those houses that's on a hill, and the lawn sits several feet above sidewalk level so there's a retaining wall. Well the wall is falling over and they need to replace it, so guys in a bulldozer are doing so. Somehow, though, it didn't occur to me that they would tear out the hedge at the top of the wall too. This makes me very sad. Since the house is so high above street level to begin with the hedge made it feel rather private when you looked out my living room window, like a little yard of our own. Now however they are tearing it down. I hate apartment living, you have no control of what they do to the place you live.
OTOH, this corner is really dangerous. The sight lines are terrible coming from either direction, and people drive like assholes, peeling out at top speed rather than edging out so they can see. That means there are tons of crashes, four that I've actually witnessed and screeching near-misses pretty much continually. Our hedge only made the problem worse, so I suppose it's just as well, but I will miss the green, and the (relative) quiet, and the privacy it afforded.
Farewell, my hedge!
Almost all gone...