
Jul 19, 2006 22:34

This is something I've been thinking on for the past couple of weeks, is it ever ok to break a promise? I'm not sure about this one in general I'd say that you can't ever be absolute about anything and that you have to consider each situation individually but with a promise I'm not sure. When you make a promise you make a decision to commit to an idea, way of life, decision etc. and surely at this point you evaluate what you are saying and make a commitment. I think I agree this but what about if you make a promise that at the time you fully intend to keep but then seems looking back on it that honouring the promise may not be the best course of action and in fact be harmful to those it was intend to help? This is where I can't decide. In this situation is it ok if you discuss it with whom you promised and then agree that it actually not the best idea? I think I could worry myself in knots about this one for ages and not get anywhere, I suppose in the end its the same as everything else: you have to live with the decisions you make and as long as you can understand and live with the reasons for it then there isn't much more you can do.
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