Dec 29, 2007 08:35
Belated Merry Christmas! I might as well wish you all a happy New Year while I'm at it. Updating my journal isn't really my thing...
I've had a nice Christmas home in Bodø. Ma and Pa are just like they always have been, and the house is just as fanatical clean as it always has been. Grandma is better than I remember her from Easter, quicker and with much more energy. I got nice presents (thanks!) and met several of my friends even though I mostly spent my time at home, resting. The only fault with this Christmas was that Tore was far away, in Spain visiting his parents. I am afraid of my phone bill, not to mention his people's house telephone bill.
I had some very stressing days before I finished my math exam the 17th (it went much better than expected), and when I came home I more or less just slept and protested against any work, quarreling with mom and crying and being all emotional and at times a bit silly. Guess someone was tired. Better now, and around christmas eve (the 24th in Norway) I even had the energy to be happy, both for nice food, playing in the church with the old school band (they have just 18 members now *sad*), and for presents. I got new skies! Cross country skiing! Yay! And Mom bought me a new dress, a small black one. And I got a lovely painting from Line! And and and!
Last evening before I left for Trondheim Line, Frank, Thomas, another Thomas and Daniel (old classmate) went to the swimming um.. place!.. (silly english) and had a nice time, playing around, swimming, bubble baths and nice variants of sauna. Nice to see all those people, and for the first time since I left I forgot how far away Spain is.
Yesterday I returned to Trondheim with and early plane. I didn't get much sleep (I hate crying children) so I went to bed when I came to my place, and a bit later it was work work work. My youngest flatmate deserve some nasty words, she was the last one to leave before Christmas and has forgotten to empty the trash bin, do the dishes, and the fridge is full of (her) spoiled food. Happy happy! Nice smell that greeted me when I came in the door.
Ah, well, I'm at work, I should not spend my time at updating a blog, even if there is little else to do. I'd better sit down and stare vacantly out the window in case someone actually want to drive through my gate (port, whatever!).
*at work hugses* -Si