Chicken, noodle and coriander broth.

Jan 15, 2011 22:28

This post is forherruhl , zuelie  and edrissa  (and I'm sure aimo  will have a passing interest too!) to showcase My Soupy Adventures™, Now With Added Peektures.

Often there is leftovers of a chicken in the house on the weekend; usually I have to fight Dad for them when he's around as he'll eat it like some sort of belligerent caveman, hunched over the table to get all the meat off the remains, using only his fingers and teeth until it's stripped. I get my class from him, obviously.

Anyway! If I get to the carcass first, I will always make a soup broth from it, as I love it. It's also pretty simple and soothing to make. Today's soup pretty much surpassed all my expectations and made me happy, happy enough to sprout random nonsense and viciously hug anything in hug distance. Oh yes. That happy.

Also, like all good soup recipes, the below is subject to change to taste and FuckWhatsInTheCupboard syndrome, but the basics of chicken, broth and noodles is fixed and will not change. Constantly taste as you go and such- hell you might think this needs fish sauce/ bok choi/ toasted soya/ more chillies, but coriander, chicken and noodles shall remain!


Delicious stuff that will be a thing shortly.

-- A leftover cooked chicken. Pick off all the visible meat but do not throw out the bones, skin included:
-- Two "thumbs" of fresh ginger.
-- Handful of fresh coriander, stalks included
-- Three medium mushrooms with a subtle/bland flavour;  I used standard white button mushrooms.-- Four fresh chillies, diced. 
-- Teaspoon of red miso paste.
-- Juice of half a lemon.
-- Noodles- I used pre-cooked medium wheat noodles, already softened and ready.
-- Four spring onions.
-- Half a red pepper, sliced into slithers.
-- Salt, pepper and sugar to taste.
-- 1.75 litres of water.

You need this much ginger. The bowl on the left is shredded chicken bits, and the bowl on the right is the remains.

I should preface this that I had an ungodly love affair with ginger, and have reduced my usual OHGODHOWMUCH amounts. To be honest the coriander is the star of the dish and thus deserves love and recognition anyway. Ginger can go sulk in the corner and play with the chillies.

1) Roughly chop one thumb of ginger and 2 chillies. In a hot large pan put the non-meat remains with a teaspoon of oil and the chopped veg(nothing heavy, veg oil is fine.) Add the miso paste and water soon after and stir well, and leave for as long as you are able. If you put it on a low heat and forget about it for a few hours, even better. I was too hungry for that palaver, and left it for 15 mins.

The grease seen here can be skimmed off, if you are a health freak.

2) Rip off the stalks of the coriander and bruise with a wooden spoon. Add to broth base and simmer for 5-10 mins, depending on how much you like coriander. If you are my sister, that's fuck all.

Delicious stalks! Mannn, people should use them more. It's always the leaves that get used...

3) Sieve everything into a bowl, throw away the solids. If you are feeling particularly holy then thou you can skim off the oils from the chicken on the surface, but who can be arsed to do that?

4) Put empty pan back on a slightly higher heat. Finely chop the rest of the chillies, red pepper and ginger along with the thick part of the spring onions, and stirfry briefly. Add the broth back slowly with the lemon juice. Season to taste- I was heavy handed with the lemon and needed a pinch of sugar.

5) Add cooked chicken meat and noodles and warm through.

6) At last minute add coriander leaves and the leafy part of the spring onion to the bowls.

This is seasonings and pretty at the same time! See? Practical and pretty. Just like me. LOL OKAY MAYBE NOT.

Nom and enjoy.

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