(no subject)

Jan 15, 2004 19:32

Im going to make a list of what I hate.
It's going to be a huge list.
deal with it.

LILDOOTch: bah w/e I've got more mature people around me
ugly people on ftj.
when your room gets too hot.
when my computer breaks.
finger eleven.
when winamp doesnt load all my music, and i freak out.
food thats too hot.
skipping a shower. (stfu)
long nails.
people who get their fake nails pierced. lmfao Shaniqua remember when my buddy reader in like second grade had hers pierced? rofl

sore throats.
throwing up.
when you sleep the wrong way, and you wake up and your neck hurts.
alisha. rofl
that stupid mambo number 5 song.

theres a lot more, but my brain just died.

Shaniqua : remember when
I was pecos bill in the fith grade play, and you were the cow? and I had to drag you out on stage? lmfao i still have that video.

When we went to the movies and I sat on gum.
And the other time that black guy asked us were the party was at and i was like "no i dont know were the parking lot is" like three times. lmfao
And that same night when we almost got jumped. rofl

At my birthday party in like second grade, we were playing hide and go seek and I ran into the chair, and started crying.

When I used to cry for my mom and hide under the desks. lmfao and ms. soulier had to call the principle.

They recorded this in Jan 2001 - Feb 2002 IT TOOK THEM A WHOLE YEAR TO RECORD THIS CD.

The third grade play, I was supposed to be mrs clause but I had to get my tonsils out :[.

Remember when we went to the aquarium. lmfao that was so lame.

When my dad brought in his truck for second grade, and I had to be the tour guide. roflmao.
& he handed out trucker hats. lmfao

When my grandpa would come out in his underwear and scream "dont contradict me" as loud as he could.

When I first got my dog, I used to throw food at him, and that one time i threw top ramen noodles at him, and they landed on his nose. lmfao
& that same day i peed in my pants.

When I over flowed your toilet, and had to clean it with those huge yellow fuckers.

When we used to play "roxburry" in your room. rofl.

Barbies <3.

Memorizing all the lines in A night at the roxburry.

My brother always hitting me, and you would just sit there and laugh.

"It got knocked down" haahha.

When you told me the little girl lived in your closet. rofl


When we went and saw Annie, and Suzanne took everyones rolls. rofl

When Samantha went home because she was scared of tornados.

When Bobbie gave me that valentines day card, and spelt her name "boobie" by accident. rofl

I bought you the backstreen boys cd for your birthday.


The time in the mall I dropped my pretzel cheese, (i think you were there) and someone licked it off the floor.

I got sick cause of your moms meat loaf.

LARRY. lmfao

We used to go skating every friday. lmfao

The fat man at the concert, who was trying to molest me. And then Sarah and me left you alone with him.

When we used to play telemarketers, school, and all that other stupid shit on the phone.
My office used to be in my bathroom. rofllll.

Like two weeks ago when I got kicked out of the house, because I was on the phone with you when I was peeing, and I saw a huge ant on the shower curtain. lmfao

When I ate lotion, and drank your GROSS sprite remix, and almost threw up all over you.


The stupid pictures you took of me with your phone.

When we went into the redneck chats with my mic, and that guy goes "hey dickbird"

Getting kicked out of an nsync room because my cousin kept saying "nigga nigga"
& someone threatened to hack me.

That guy on webcam, who looked like a terrorist. lmfao


I got my room painted <3.
It's bright pink.
& tommorrow the guys painting my purple stripes.
my carpet = black with glow and the dark stars.
Sean said if I spin really fast, I could probably have a seizure.
I'm going to try that.
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