Mar 13, 2005 19:57
mmm, last days of work are delicious...
oh, my resume makes me 'gasm...
i said:!!!
so i was speaking to two of my coworkers during our lunch break. they both go to amphi, and they kept mentioning how i go to the "dream public high school"... one of them is taking three APs in her junior year. shouldn't i be taking better advantage of my vast opprotunities? they rode their bikes away from work along with a third amphi student who works with us... one of them was walking her dog in the park the other day and there were two guys on the swing set with pistols who started joking around about shooting her dog. the other one had to meet with a detective about a famous, convicted rapist who had broken into her house. the man had commited rape in six states, i believe, and he commited suicide in prison after recieving a 200 year conviction.
i feel lucky that finishing my cutcher project is the worst of my worries. you know... we really are lucky. when was the last time you walked past a gun-ladden swingset or had a serial rapist stare you in the eyes?
you all know you can always call me, right?