Writing Issues

Sep 30, 2010 17:53

So, writing lots and lots lately, though none of it's liable to be finished anytime soon, and if it ever sees the light of day I'll have to find a beta who knows Marvel somehow, which is tough because showing my work to strangers makes me jumpy and my "Dad, could you go over the grammar?" plan won't work for several reasons.

Anyway, the point is that I'm trying to put some romance in, because the situation suggests that, hey, there's nothing stopping them from being (semi) happy in love the way there is in canon, even if I had to turn the world into a dystopia to accomplish that.  It's mostly background, but I am trying to factor it in because I love the pairing and messing around with their dynamics.

I really can't write romance to save my life.  There's the obvious problem, that I've never had one, but I've never found out my dad was a Sith Lord either, and it doesn't stop me from writing about that.  But they aren't even (quite) canon, which means I can't crib off of canon interactions like I do for Han/Leia or what little Kataang I've written, or anything like that, or even for the other pairings in the fic, which are almost all canon even if the circumstances are different.

So yeah.

fanfic, writing

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