In other exciting news...

Oct 18, 2010 12:45

J got a new job! He has been working full time for a consulting group since January (prior to that he was an independent contractor for the same group). But he saw an opening at a winery about 10 minutes away from where we live and applied. Within 8 days, he had interviewed and received an offer! He'll be doing IT for the winery. It is an awesome opportunity allowing him to get into the wine industry in a decent paying job (something which is surprisingly difficult to do - we have a friend who has been basically interning at different wineries for the past 3 years trying to get into a decent paying job - it is brutal!) He starts November 1. It also means that we won't be working from home together anymore - while I'll miss him, I do have to say that I am constantly amazed that we have worked from home together every day for the past two years (and still like each other!). Him being at an office means we will probably have slightly more interesting dinner conversations.
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