Jan 28, 2005 23:35
I'll have to say this right now. If ANY of you people are my friends from MCA you'd better not read this or I'm totally screwed. I only know of one person in who really uses this so hopefully if she reads this she won't spill the beans. On to my subject.
What am i supposed to do when a chick looks like shes interested in me? I mean first off she leans on my shoulder, plays with my hair, wears my sweater, takes my necklace, wears it, spends time with me? To my understanding that means shes interested in me. So finally i take the initiative and hold her hand. The next day she tells me in words that she doesn't even really say that she can't continue the relationship. We can be friends still right? she ask, what the heck am i supposed to say?
Am i supposed to say NO, we can't be friends, there are only 200 people in our school and i see you everyday. sorry. This is killing me! I've liked this other girl for so long, and i couldn't get over it and then she comes along and talks to me and stuff, then i start liking her, then she totally dumps me. what the heck am i supposed to do? I swear, for about 2 days i was the happiest guy. Now....i don't know. As much i as i want to be loved and to love back I don't hink that i'm going to get a girlfriend for a very long time....
Man college, is coming soon, i've wanted for college not to come so soon, but all of a sudden i'm yearning for it. I need help jeez