Aug 14, 2010 04:00
As usual, Light is sitting in the kitchen, with a plate and a journal before him. Not quite as usually, he's neglecting both of them. He stares through the paper like he doesn't see it, and he's letting the little mound of cabbage cool.
What's wrong with him today? - well, he knows what's wrong with him, and he doesn't like it.
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He doesn't feel drugged, although he could have used more sleep. His gun's been either very cleverly sabotaged or left completely intact. But he has no idea where he is, or how he got here.
Why he might be have been brought here, though... that's a different monster entirely. Barefoot, in dark jeans and a ratty grey t-shirt, he stares into the hall, watching for any sign of movement.
He's listening as hard as he can, so the little click, when it comes, only serves to confirm what he already suspected. There's more than enough room for him to stand without moving his chair; he arranges himself that way without even thinking about it, just in case. One finger slides under the sword scabbard to prevent it clinking, as he moves as slowly as he can, as he crosses the room to listen beside the doorway, out of sight ( ... )
But he's going to need all the bullets he can get, he thinks, so instead, he thumbs the safety off with another, quieter little mechanical noise, and settles into a low, frog-like crouch, ready to spring, or raise his gun to shoot.
So he's up against someone armed - quickly, he runs through all the usual templates in his head. A Matt, perhaps, or a Mello? Or someone he's not accustomed to, some variation, like him..?
Regardless of anything, one thing he knows outright is that anything handling a weapon in the corridor is human, and that anything that wasn't would be around the corner and on him by now, drawn by instinct or scent. And whoever it is out there, they're his problem to deal with, whether he likes it or not.
It's with that in mind that he takes a deep breath, in the end, and raises his voice, as if it's nothing. "Oi, whoever's out there," he calls, speaking clearly rather than yelling. "Can I interest you in some tea?"
It's possible - probable, more like - that the occupant of the room almost directly across the hall (Is it some sort of kitchen area? ... No matter.) is meant as a distraction, but only a truly stupid person would leave a decoy unarmed. If the decoy couldn't pull the target's attention, he would at least need to be good for something.
So, L's found one of the little mice in the walls. With his back against the wall, any movement on either side of the hall will register in his periphery; without rising from his crouch, he focuses on the open door and lifts his pistol to chest height on a man.
"I have a counteroffer," he replies, sounding for all the world as though he's discussing the weather. "You show yourself, and converse with me like we're both grown men, and in return, when I meet your superior, I won't mention that you asked me to play tea party. How does that sound?"
Those translate as different, and that difference means he needs to forget the little he's learned about Ls, and take this one as something entirely new.
"That's a difficult one," he calls back. "I'd have to say that I'm my superior, here. If you have an objection to politeness, I'll keep that in mind, certainly." As he speaks, his hand has gone not to his sword hilt, but to the heavy knife sheathed beneath his sweater. "Are you aware of your situation?"
L rocks back on his heels for a moment, biting at the corner of his lip. "My situation, as it were, was the topic I was planning on raising, but if you would prefer to lurk on the other side of the wall, it all seems rather uncivilized. You do have the advantage here, you know."
"I wouldn't argue with that." It's true, after all, that this is familiar territory for him. "But I'd ask you to consider how unlikely it is that someone would go to the effort of abducting you, and then leave you in a corridor both unattended and armed. Do you remember being attacked?"
Is he still being underestimated? Troublesome. He'll have to make an example of this one, he supposes. An unfortunate necessity, but at least time spent taking down scum is time not spent victimizing the innocent.
"And I wouldn't say I'm unattended," he adds. "And neither should you. Self-confidence is key in our line of work."
It's clear that L-in-the-corridor either doesn't recognise Light's voice, or is pretending not to, and that thought is what leads him to introduce himself. "As for my line of work, somehow I doubt that we share one. I'm a doctor. My name is Light Yagami. I was brought here the same way that you were."
Which means, he adds to himself, that I have information you need. That's got to be worth a thing or two.
It's then that it finally comes into focus, the nagging feeling of déjà vu he's had throughout all of this. The imperious way not-quite-L is ordering him around at gunpoint - it reminds him of the Russian officers who'd been detailed to the camp from the invaluable natural resources in East Kamchatka. The way they'd offended what was left of his pride more than he could stand, until he'd learned to forget he ever had any. You, clean this guy up before we have to hit him again.On top of the morning he's had, with the whispering, curious voice in his ear, and younger-Light passing through to rub salt in the wound - well, it's not helping, put it that way. Besides anything, L has him hemmed cleanly into the kitchen; he can't leave until this is resolved ( ... )
He's not reacting at all correctly for a civilian in front of a gun; his manner's cool, distant where another Light might summon superiority and amusement. And he doesn't react as if he's used to defending himself, either - while his eyes are as alert as ever, and he's still and poised enough to make it clear he's ready to spin on a sixpence, there's no sign that he's going to move for that battered old sword he's wearing.
His hands rest against his sweater, wirily thin and unthreatening at his sides, and his voice is as calm and certain as if he's the one in control here. "No, I think I won't be doing that. But I'll make a compromise with you. I'll ( ... )
But, as the other man's tone reminds him, this isn't his territory, and so far he's been either absurdly fortunate or extremely well-treated. Quit while you're ahead. Sighing through his nose, he leans back against the wall, and, since his arm is getting tired and aim is hardly likely to be a problem at this range, shifts the gun to his other hand.
"Talk, then."
"I asked if you remembered arriving here. If you were attacked." It actually doesn't occur to him to append a waspish Shall we try that one again?"
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